Chapter 27 - Setting sail

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When Lillianna was fully dressed she sneaked out of the room and walked down to the tavern. 

"Morning," Maisie greeted her with a bright smile.

"Morning love," Lillianna said giving her a quick kiss on the head as she sat down next to her. 

Lillianna looked to the corner of the room where Jacob and Lia seemed to be having a serious conversation. When it finished the two shook hands. 

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! SHIPS LEAVING!" Sara yelled through the tavern. 

Lillianna stood on the dock bag in hand looking over the magnificent craft.

"So there's still nothing I can say to persuade you to stay?" Lia asked.

"No," Lillianna said simply.

"You still the most powerful person on the council. Your words hold more weight than all of them," Lia tried to argue. Yet seeing Lillianna content smile she stopped.

"That's exactly why I must leave. The people still see me as queen. If they are to form their own government, have there truly fair say then I must leave. If things get bad I'm only one messenger pigeon away," Lillianna said. 

"Still. Running away on a hunters ship. It's gonna be one hell of a story," Lia said.

"I'm not running away Lia. I'm chasing the life I've always wanted," Lillianna said turning to give her a warm smile. 

"If it's want you want," Lia whispered. Lillianna nodded pulling her into a tight hug. The two held each other tightly.

"Good luck lady Chancellor," Lillianna whispered pulling away. Giving her dear friend one last smile she walked up the plank. After she set her things down Lillianna walked up to Jacob. 

"So how does it feel to finally be captain?" she asked.

"Honestly nerve wracking," he admitted.

"Well there a reason for that. You don't have the full outfit," Lillianna mused.

"I suppose I don't do I?" he asked running a hand through his hair.

"Good thing I planned ahead," she said pulling a captains hat from behind her. On the front it was embroidered with a picture of red. Jacob smiled flipping it in his hand before setting it on his head.

"How's it look?" he asked.

"Like captain material," Lillianna said. 

"Then lets try it out shall we?" he asked.

"Alright ya squabs, pull anchor. Were heading out!" Jacob called sending the crew into action. Lillianna looked over the side waving at Lia who waved back. 

Turning out to the bay Lillianna closed her eyes and let the breeze wash over her. She felt at peace.

When they were out to sea Lillianna turned back to the crew.

"Alright captain. What's our jobs?" Lillianna asked as both herself and Maisie stood with wide smiles.

"Well let's find out what your good at," Jacob said.

That whole day the two tried there hands at different tasks. And Lillianna who had never worked a day in her life found that she really sucked, at everything. 

When she tried to tie a knot she awlays managed to do it wrong or tangle up her hands in the process. She tried working the sails but either pulled the wrong rope or a while different rigging. She was a force of chaos that's failures provided entertainment for the crew. After a long day Lillianna joined the rest of the crew as they gathered around Maisie who stood on a barrel her book in hand. Opening it to the first page she began.

"Once long ago," she started. The crew held onto every word. Lillianna listened with a smile when Jacob sat down beside her. Slipping his hand into hers he gave her a briefe smile before focusing back on the story. Lillianna lent against his shoulder as she listened to the story and the sound of the waves crashing against the side of the boat. 

When the chapter ended everyone clapped. Everyone but Lillianna who was already sound asleep. Jacob smiled picking her up bridal style walking towards the captains room ignoring the wolf whistles that followed. Setting her down on the bed he took of his shirt before sliding in with her pulling her to his chest. 

The next morning Jacob awoke to find the bed beside him empty. Stepping out onto the deck he saw Lillianna watching closely as one of the crew members explained how to tie a certain knot. He smiled as she completed it and excited chuckle leaving her lips. 

It took a bit of time for Lillianna to slip into the life of a sailor but when she did it was if she had been born to it. She put all her energy into quite literally learning the ropes.

It had been three months. Jacob and Lillianna had slipped into a life that brought them joy and comfort. There nights were filled with blissful sleep although there would be some nights where Jacobs snoring got so loud that Maisie would walk into the room and slap him with her pillow. Lillianna chuckled rubbing her tired eyes as Jacob stirred slightly from the impact his snores stopping.

"Can't we just kill him?" Maisie suggested.

"No, we like him to much," Lillianna said stepping out of the bed grabbing her shawl and draping it over her shoulders before reaching down and picking Maisie up. 

"Then lets maroon him," Maisie suggested letting out a tired yawn resting her chin on Lillianna's shoulder. 

"I'm thinking about sticking him in the crows nest every night," Lillianna suggestion earned a tired chuckle from Maisie. Opening up her room door she spotted Sarah still awake.

"Sorry," Lillianna whispered only for Sarah to wave her hand dismissively. Setting Maisie back in the top bunk she pulled the blanket up tucking her in.

"Goodnight love," Lillianna whispered placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight mum," Maisie said. Lillianna paused at her words all her tiredness washing away. Maisie curled into herself quickly taken away by sleep. 

"Did you hear that?" Lillianna asked Sarah who smiled.

"Ay," she nodded. Lillianna let out a breathy laugh tears of joy gathering in her eyes. Giving Maisie another kiss she pulled the shawl tighter around her before stepping out. Closing the door behind her she let out a quiet excited squeal as she danced around slightly. Taking a deep breath she clammed herself down only to smile brightly before walking back to the bed. 

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