Chapter 44 - Making up

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When Lillianna found Jacob he was sitting on a chair, on the balcony of their assigned room. Instead of saying anything she took out the small music box and set it up. The song started and she walked up to Jacobs's side. He didn't meet her gaze. Gently slipping her hands down his arms she grasped his hands pulling him up. 

They pulled each other into themselves, holding each other tightly as they swayed. It was silent for a long time.

"I'm sorry love," Jacob whispered. Lillianna pulled back looking up at him.

"I'm sorry as well," she said simply. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he shook his head. Lillianna took his cheek turning him to her. 

"What's the matter? I've never seen you like this before," Lillianna whispered worried about the amount of sadness her husband's eyes held. The look of defeat that claimed his whole body.

"Seeing you out there. Love you're supposed to be worshiped, loved and pampered with gold and jewels. People are supposed to bow when they see you. You looked so natural, you look like you belonged there," he said honestly.

"Jacob," Lillianna whispered heartbrokenly.

"Let me finish. Love I-I can't give you the life you deserve," he said in defeat. Lillianna was silent for a long time. 

"Do you know how many jewels and gold I've had. How many people have bowed to me?" Lillianna asked.

"I reckon close to a million," he said with a sad smile.

"I don't remember. There were that many. But do you know there was only one of each of those things I remember," she said pulling back fully to look fully in his eyes.

"The only bow I remember is the one you gave me the first day on the inevitable. The only gold I remember is this band on my finger. And the only jem I remember is our daughter. They are the only one's worth remembering," she said cupping his face.

"This is the life I chose. They life I wanted. This is the life you gave me the courage to build. And I'll be dammed if anyone tries to take it away," she said tears gathering in her eyes. 

"You are my everything Jacob Holland. And weather you like it or not your stuck with me, Forever remember," Lillianna asked taking his hand and rubbing her thumb over his wedding ring. 

"But am I enough?" he asked. Lillianna had never heard him so broken.

"You're enough. You're enough and so much more," she said. Jacob let out a shaky breath pulling her into a tight hug. They simply stood there in each others presence, simply holding each other. 

"What about me huh? Am I enough?" Lillianna asked with a lighter tone.

"Love, If being enough was a lake you would be the sea," he said earning a slightly chuckle from her. His heart becoming instantly lighter at the sound. 

"That was a bit cheesy wasn't it?" he asked.

"Just a bit," Lillianna said. Smiling he shook his head brushing her hair to the side and looking down at her with the same love he always had. She had washed all his worries away like they weren't even there in the first place. He gently place his lips on hers, forcing all his love and admiration into it. A sweet kiss that quickly turned into something more. Jacob was filled with the need to prove himself. Call it male idiocy or a primal territorial response but he deepened the kiss pulling Lillianna flush against him. Her own hands draped over his shoulders holding his neck. The feeling of her hands sliding across his skin sending a please sound from his lips. He trailed his hands down her waist to her thighs hiking her up. Wrapping her legs around him she smiled into the hungry kiss as he walked them over to the large plush bed. 

Gently laying her down he trail his hands up her side taking her arms and pinning them to the bed above her head. He trailed kisses down her neck finding her sweet spot just above her collarbone and suckling on it. A breathy gasp let Lillianna's lips as she tilted her head to the side allowing him better access. 

That night they worshiped each other bodies, losing themselves in each others ever kiss and touch. Then when morning came around they were entrapped in each others naked embrace. Lillianna resting on his chest keeping him grounded. His arms encased her one holding her hand that rested on his chest the other molding to her body holding it close to him. Lillianna woke with a bright smile going to stretch only to flinch in pain. Her hair had become a tangled mess in the golden ornaments making it painful to move.

"Jacob, honey," Lillianna gently slapped his bear chest waking him up with a start. Looking groggily around he tried pulling Lillianna closer.

"Wait no. Stop," she said her hair pulling again. Jacob frowned before looking up at her hair an amused smile working its way onto his face. 

"Looks like your in a bit of a predicament," he said. 

"Shut up and help me," she chuckled slapping his chest again.

"Alright, I got ya," he said as he started to gently untangle her hair. They both laughed as the complexity of the simple task. It took a while but finally he took the last clip out. Lillianna sighed sitting up the sun casting her naked body in a beautiful hugh. Jacob reached forward taking her hand rubbing his thumb over her ring. His worries still nowhere to be seen. She smile that bright smile he loved so much. The smile that made him feel complete, happy. 

"I love you," he said simply.

"I love you more," she said leaning forward to kiss him. Jacob went to deep the kiss only for her to pull back. 

"Jacob I have something to tell you," she said softly taking his hand. With a deep breath she slowly started to move it. Yet the moment never came to pass, the sound of metal scraping against the floor had them both looking over the side of the bed to see a metal casual. Before they could do anything the casual burst out green gass. And before they knew it they were both unconscious.

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