Chapter 47 - Rescue

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Jacob, Lia, and Sharp stepped through the large walled gates. A rush of guards quickly apprehending them. Under the guise of wanting to negotiate the three knew they were walking into a trap. They were put in iron checked over for weapon's and dragged off to the dungeons. As they walked down the darkened halls Jacob was positioned in the front the other two behind him all flanked by two guards. Jacob clenched his fist's behind his back both women looking at them. He shook his fist slightly,



Three times

On the third they jumped into action. Reeling back he slammed his forehead against the one of the right before tackling the other into the bars. Resulting in making them both unconscious. Jumping up he hooked the chain under him pulling it from his back to his front. Both lia and sharp had done similar things to deal with there guards. Holding his chains out Sharp pulled an ax from behind her coat slamming it down shattering the chain. Handing out the assortment of guns and knives she had hidden on her person they prepared themselves for a fight. And a fight they would get. 

Lillianna was sitting in her room, looking out at the many tents when the doors opened. She snapped to her feet a flicker of hope igniting inside her. After all it could be Jacob, the bloody oaf could have scaled the castle walls to rescue her. 

Yet it wasn't. Her hope was quickly snuffed at the sight of the prince as he waltzed into the room.

"Your husband just arrived, wanted to negotiate. I sent him straight to the dungeon," he said clearly amused his smirk widening at Lillianna's glare. 

"Oh come now. Thats no way to look at your future husband," he mused moving close to her only for her to step back.

"Don't step away from your fiance," he tisked. Weather it be fear of what he would do or the knowledge that she really couldn't do anything else she stood still as he approached. He smiled looking over her features.

"I've got to admit, you truly are beautiful," he said running a hand down her cheek. Lillianna filched out of his reach. A gasp left her lips as he reached out gripping her jaw tightly.

"Now this moving away from me. It's going to have to stop," he chuckled. Lillianna felt a flicker of fear enter her as she tried to pull back only for his grip to tightened his nails digging into her skin.

"I said dont move," he growled. The click of a gun cocking had them both freezing. The cool barrel of a gun was pressed up against the back of the prince's head. Lillianna's eyes shifted from the prince to the heavily tattooed arm poking out of the shadows, it was Jacobs arm and he was griping the gun so tightly his muscles rippled underneath his skin. 

"GET. YOUR. HAND. OFF. MY. WIFE," Jacob's voice was so low and threatening that it had the prince freezing up. 

"NOW," He demanded pressing the gun more firmly against his head as he stepped into the light his expression matching his tone. Dark, menasing and done with the princes shit. Ripping her face from his grip she glared at the prince. Jacob didn't drop his gaze from the prince as he extended one hand out to Lillianna. She fought back her tears reaching out to Jacob. As soon as her hand was placed in his she melted into the familiar feeling of his scarred hand. Gently pulling her behind him he took one beife glance at her, his eyes darkened at the already red marks. 

"What are you gonna do hunter? Kill a prince?" the prince asked slowly raising his hands.

"Don't tempt me," he hissed. Jacob wanted nothing more than to kill the man in front of him. That only think stopping him was the concern for Lillianna as her hand trembled in his her other clutching his shirt tightly. The prince smirked over his shoulder his hand snapping down to his hip pulling a sword free. The prince barely had any time to swing it before Jacob had his arm in a tight grip slamming it down onto his knee. 

Snapping it completely in half. The prince screamed out in agony Jacob forcing him to his knees.

"I made a solemn vow to protect my wife. You've cross a line that should result in your death. So your lucky your arm is all I'm breaking," he hissed in his ear before throwing him to the ground.

"We have to go," Lia called into the room. Jacob cast one last glare down at the prince before taking Lillianna's hand and rushing out. They rushed past an assortment of unconscious guards. Lillianna tightened her grip on Jacobs hand. Her hope burst into a large bonfire.  

Bells suddenly tolled, shouted announcements of the prisoners escape cascading through the palace walls. As they ran down the halls Lillianna found a mantled sword snatching it as she passed. By some miracle they managed to avoid most of the guards only having a slight scrap as they scaled the stairs to the top of the wall.  They rushed up to the side where three metal hooks sat. Wasting no time Jacob hoisted his wife onto his shoulder before jumping over the side sliding down the rope with Lia and Sharp right behind him. 

Everything had happened so fast, when they hit the ground they were immediately surrounded by the army. Jacob gently set Lilianna down only to pull her into a bone crushing hug. A bone crushing hug that she returned tears breaking from her eyes to fall freely down her cheeks. Lilianna took everything in, what she took in the most was that fact that she was safe, her baby was safe. 

"Jacob," She whispered in relife pulling him impossibly tighter. 

"Are you alright?" he asked not breaking the hug. Lillianna frowned as he started to put his weight on her.

"What are you doing?" Lillianna asked in confusion.

"Tell me your alright. Now," he demanded. 

"I'm alright," she said.

"Good," he breathed in relife his weight suddenly dropping fully onto Lillianna.  With a started breath the two tumbled to the ground. Lillianna hissed at the impact.

"Jacob wha?" Sitting up she looked over her husband only to freeze. Her blood ran cold at what she saw. 

"Oh no," Lia whispered taking note of the giant red stain streaking across Jacobs back.

"Jacob, Jacob, Jacob! Wake up!" Lillianna's panicked filled voice fell on her own deaf ears. She felt as if death had gripped her very heart as she crabbled her husband's head shaking his shoulders desperately. Yet he wouldn't move, nor wake. He was unconscious and his blood slowly trickled into the dirt below him. 

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