Chapter 48 - Loss

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Lillianna's mind was numb as she sat on a creat, behind her the medical tent that Jacob currently resided in. She had been gently dragged out by Lia that had gone off to get something or other. She couldn't remember what she had said. All she could remember was the deep gash in Jacobs's back. She stared at her blood-covered hands as Lia gently whipped away the blood.

"Mum!" The scared call snapped her out of her shock as she looked up to see Maisie rushing towards her.

"Maisie," Lillianna breathed in relief jumping to her feet and rushing towards her. Falling to her knees she reefed Maisie into a hug. Maisie hugged her mother tightly relishing in relief that she had her back. 

"Where's dad?" Maisie asked her eyes searching around. Lillianna pulled back gently brushing her hand down Maisies face.

"He's been hurt love, but he's gonna be ok," Lillianna's voice shock slightly as Maisie face fell.

"He's gonna be ok," she repeated pulling her back into a hug. The truth was she didnt know if he was. The gash was huge, and there was a lot of blood. If anything her words were trying to convince herself. 

It was a hour before anyone was let it to see him. Lillianna went in first with maisie. Jacob lay on his stomach his back covered in bandages already spotting with blood. 

"Dad," Lillianna shut her eyes tightly at Maisies heartbroken word. They both cried. Maisie had curled up on Jacobs shoulder, exhausted from the crying she had fallen asleep. Lillianna rested her head on Jacob's pillow one hand placed on Maisies shoulder gently rubbing her thumb against it. The other gently ran through Jacobs hair as she gazed at his face. She wished so much that his beautiful brown eyes would just open. That he would smile and pull a joke.

"You have to wake up love. I've got some pretty exciting news to tell you," Lillianna whispered sniffing as she felt another wave of tears coming along. 

"So please," she begged kissing his forehead.

"Please wake up," she begged.

"We love you," she whispered.

The days that followed were filled with nothing but pain. Pain and dread. A dread filled with the fear that Jacob might never open his eyes again. Lillianna was by his side day and night, tending to him. She didn't eat unless Maisie asked her to.

She put on a brave face, a forced smile whenever Maisie was around. Yet when she was left alone in the tent she would cry. She would cry and beg Jacob to wake up. For she didn't know what she would do if he died. Her heart twisted painfully whenever she thought about it. 

"hey," she whispered running his hands through his hair.

"You know, your really starting to scare me," she whispered fitting off the tears that started to gather in her eyes.

"I, I just can't imagine my life without you. so you better wake up now, cause I've got some pretty exciting news." she couldn't help the tears that rushed down her face.

"Please. Please just wake up. I miss you," she cried putting her head on his chest and balling her eyes out. And she laid there praying and hoping that he would just wake up.

The next morning, she stepped out for a little bit and when she returned, she found Jacob's bed empty. Hearing someone clear their throat she looked to the centre of the room her whole body freezing upon seeing Jacob standing there. All the weight that had been crushing her heart and lungs suddenly lifted. She stared at him wondering if it was just her mind playing tricks on her.

"Hello love," his voice was raspy, but he held a beautiful smile. Lillianna dropped the bowl of food she was holding rushing up to him. Slamming into his chest she held him tightly.

"You're so stupid! You had me so worried!" she cried into his chest. Holding her tightly he breathed in her scent. He had been worried too. When he had felt the blade slice across his back, when he had felt his strength leaving him, he wondered if he would survive.

"I thought you would never wake up," she cried.

"And leave you behind all alone, never," he said tilting her chin up and smiling lovingly at her. His smile was contagious and before she knew it she was smiling as well. 

"You big oaf," she cried pulling him down to plant a kiss on his lips. Pulling her close by the waist he deepened the kiss. 

"Miss me?" he whispered as they pressed they foreheads together.

"You have no idea," she whispered.

"I sorry I took so long," his tone held guilt as he looked over his wifes saddened face. Lillianna wasn't sure if he was apologising for being unconscious or for how delayed the rescue was. She didn't care. They were both there alive and well, that's all she cared about.

"Dad!" Maisie cried out from the tent entrance rushing into Jacobs arm. Clinging tightly onto him she fought back her own tears.

"Let's go home," Jacob whispered holding his family close.

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