Chapter 29 : She is Your triplet sister !

Start from the beginning

I gulped. I think Raven told me they both didn't remember anything.

While on other side, Ryder's face turns from Confusion to anger. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist, his jaw hardened.

"What .did .you .just .say ?" Ryan whispered but I heard it very clearly.

"N-Nothing, I think I should get going" I gulped and turned around to leave.

But someone hold my wrist.

"You are not going anywhere without telling me what did you just said and who told you this ?" Ryan told me in very deadly voice.

A shiver run down my spine as I gulped hard.

"I-its N-Nothing, it just slips-"

"Miss Parnika Kapoor" He glared at me.

I sighed.

I am doomed.

"Y-Yes, you guys are not twins, you are triplets and R-Raven is your triplet, and David is not your real father, He is a friend of your father. He just wants to take revenge from you guys, that's why he kept both of you with him and abuse you both" I stated, giving them time to process everything.

"What Revenge ?" He further asked.

"According to him, because of you both, a car accident happened years ago in which his pregnant wife died while throwing you both outside the car"

Ryan's eyes widened. While, Ryder looked confused as ever.

"That's why he is abusing you guys and Raven-"

"Raven knows David as he was our father's best friend and that's why she came that day in our house to know the reason behind all these, isn't she ?" He asked making me nod.

"Oh God" He muttered brushing his hair with his fingers.

"You guys are not Denmark-"

"Yes, I remember, We are Wilsons" Ryan completed making me stunned.

"How ?" I whispered.

How did he remember ?

"From the day, when I first saw Raven, I always felt a connection to her, I don't know what is it but I felt something. I always saw people in my dreams. But most often, there was that little girl crying in my dream, like she is crying for help, but I never pinpoint it who are these people and who is this girl, I always shrugged it off thinking it is common, but the day when she was getting bullied infront of me in the cafeteria, I saw her looking at me, like she is screaming for me to help her, like she want me to help her, there was a same look in her eyes like the little girl in my dream, and that breaks my heart.

That's why I didn't go to college for some days because I am scared what if I will face her and will can't control my emotions.

And when you told us, she is our sister, my brain suddenly show me those people from my nightmares but this time their clear image and like that I remember, I remember everything." He finishes.

I gasped.


"Wait a minute both of you. Are you both out of your mind ?" Ryder's voice boomed.

"Did he remember ?"

I asked Ryan to which he shaked his head.

What ? Aren't they both twins ?

"We are but that doesn't mean we share same brain cells" Ryan replied blankly.

I looked at him wide eyed.

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