Chapter 5

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A/N: Intimate kissing in this chapter. If this disturbs you may skip those bits or proceed with caution. 

When Ian got back I was already asleep. I woke when I heard the door creak open. I couldn't see much through my hazed state, but I did notice the fact Ian wiped his mouth, removing a red liquid. Did he get into a fight?

The light flickered on and Ian flinched when he saw me awake.

"I didn't mean to wake you," he smiled apologetically. 

"It's alright."

Ian headed over to the bathroom, and after a few awkward moments of silence I went in after him. 

The sink was running and Ian washed his face with the cold water, cupping his hands and splashing himself with it.

"Are you alright?" I asked him gently. He seemed a bit startled, but quickly recovered.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" 

"You're bleeding," I wiped his face where a mark lay from where he was bleeding. He might have been punched by the looks of it. I don't know what got into me, but my hand lingered right by his lips. 

His eyes were hooded, and his hand drifted towards mine, holding my hand where I was stroking his cheek. My body felt hot and immediately I wanted to do more then just caress him like this.

Luckily Ian made the first move. He leaned in, his lips stroking mine passionately. At first I was caught by surprised. I was panicked, scared, unstable. But I wanted to oblige. Could you blame me? Ian was such a good kisser. 

He dropped his hands to my hips, holding me tightly. Passionately kissing me, licking my lips to ask for permission to enter. To my own surprise, I granted him access to my mouth and he explored it all in all with his tongue. He sucked on my mouth and I brought my hands to his neck, desperate to bring him closer.

I felt so alive. Better then for what seemed like forever. With Ian's lips cradling mine I felt full. Complete. 

Like I was no longer alone. 

We kissed until neither of us could breath. I panted, looking up at him with hooded eyes and arched eyebrows in submission. He looked down on me, his eyes filled with lust and- did his eyes just flash red?

Didn't I see that happen with him before? 

Obviously I couldn't trust whatever I saw considering the fact that my mind was clouded from what had just happened.

"You're a really good kisser," I bit my lower lip, and I think I may have wobbled into his arms. Either way, we were embracing each other, staring at one another.

"I've had a lot of practice."

The next day, me and Ian had decided to forget about what had happened the evening before. I found it embarrassing and ashamed of myself for what had happened. Ian respected this and we went along like our kiss had never happened. 

I was grateful of course, but it was the only thing I could think about all day. Even in animation it was hard to focus.

I finally decided to just doodle some sketches of cartoon characters. My favorite cartoon was Steven Universe so I decided to draw Spinel first.

It turned out okay, unlike my art style but accurate to the original design.

It was time for lunch and I noticed all the glances Ian kept giving me. I tried my best to ignore them, but it was so difficult. Thinking that the mouth that laughed so wonderfully was kissed by me last night. Me! Of all people. The thought was terrifying. But it made me feel good in my stomach. 

The last thing he said to me that evening was that he had a lot of practice. At the time I didn't know what to make of that. But now it just made me feel... bad. 

Not like how I usually felt, but like I was betrayed. I wasn't, but it made me feel... it couldn't have been jealousy could it?

"I can feel the tension radiating off you two like the sun's rays. What's going on?" Kenny asked, being unable to hold back the giddiness in his voice. Classic Kenny.

"Nothing," I answered quickly.

"It's never 'nothing' with you two. Come on! Just spill the beans."

"It's not a big deal, Kenny," Ian hastily added, clearly just as embarrassed as I was. Or maybe he just didn't want me getting even more embarrassed.

Great. I told myself. Now Ian thinks I need protecting, way to not be vulnerable.

After what seemed like forever, the day was finally over and I headed to our dorm room to get some sleep. I was exhausted. 

What I found however, made whatever adrenaline I had left kick in and I was furious. Furious and saddened. 


Kissing another boy's neck. 

In our dorm.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I felt this was a good place to end it and I lost motivation. Super sorry!

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