Chapter 2

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The course of the next few days were all the same. Get up, do some reading, chat with Ian, go to bed. After what seemed like years October finally came around and people were starting to decorate their dorms and plan costume ideas for Halloween.

Ian told me of this one rumor that some of the boys would be ditching their dorms to go to a Halloween party to see their girlfriends. He didn't know where it would be held place or what time, but it didn't matter to me. 

I already had my own plans for Halloween. 

It was my birthday after all.

Ian finally decided to introduce me to Kenny, who happened to be the blonde freckled boy I had seen the day I found out Ian was gay. I liked him, he was funny and very easygoing. Maybe these years wouldn't be so bad after all. I actually had friends for a change.

"I'm Nathan," I said.

"Nice to meet you Nathan! The name's Kenny!" He had a very subtle Australian accent.

"Nice to meet you too," It was still early in the morning and I was tired so I didn't sound as excited I was to meet him. Granted I was more so excited for the potential "stuff" Kenny snuck in.

"I actually found out where that Halloween party was, let's say we crash it?" Kenny suggested, he went wide eyed with excitement, he looked like if he could marry chaos, he would.

"Depends on your definition of crash," Ian said. "I'm not really in the mood of drinking spiked punch while all my friends are hooking up with girls."

"That was one time!" Kenny whined.

I spaced out as Kenny and Ian playfully argued, smiling. It was genuinely nice having being their friend, but I wanted to get straight to the point.

"So do you have any vapes?" I asked Kenny, when I thought they had paused in conversation for a moment.

"Oh yeah man," he took one from his pocket and tossed it to me. "Cause some trouble for me yeah?"

"Yeah," I said, not fully listening to what he was saying as I started. I missed the feeling too much.

"So are we going to the party?" Kenny inquired, still having that childish look of wanting to cause trouble on his face.

"I don't see why not," I said, puffing out a bit of smoke.

"I'm not wearing a costume," Ian crossed his arms over his broad chest, while Kenny put a hand on his hip in a very feminine fashion.

"Costumes are the best part!" He complained.

"The best part," Ian said, still very annoyed. "Is going home."

"What about you Nathan? Will you wear a costume?"

"I don't really want to go," I said, puffing out more smoke. "I have plans."

"What plans?" Kenny and Ian asked in unison.

"Nab a cupcake from the cafeteria and chill here," I explained. That wasn't the full part of my plans, but the rest of it was too petty for me to get into.

"BORING!" Kenny exclaimed, probably only half furious at me and Ian's anti-social behavior. He stormed out of our dorm room and headed to who knows where.

"Sorry about Kenny," Ian apologized. "He can act like such a girl sometimes."

I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"He's certainly something," I said, still chuckling. 

After a couple minutes of just chilling out doing our own thing, I decided to be a little nosy. "So tell me more about that boy I saw you with," I teased.

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