Chapter 3

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"So..." Ian trailed off. I didn't want to talk about this as it would just lead to more awkwardness. But the silence was killing me.

"So," I deadpanned.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or something," he said. I wasn't sure if I was relieved or even more embarrassed. 

Never be vulnerable. 

"Nah it's okay," I reassured him. "I knew you were just playing around." To be honest I really couldn't tell. When he stared at me with his icy blue eyes, sure his mouth was smirking, but his eyes were filled with something along the lines of hunger or lust.

"Phew!" He sighed, "that's a relief."

"Mhm," I muttered.

"So what book are you reading?" He asked me, acknowledging the book on my nightstand. 

"Oh, it's a spin off series for Jen Calonita's Fairy Tale Reform School series. This is the third book, Royal Academy Rebels, Volume three, Heroes." I explained. I wanted to get into what the actual series was about, but he hadn't asked. Usually I'd ramble on and on about whatever you asked me about, or that's what I used to do according to my father.

"Interesting, didn't take you for a reader," Ian quirked an eyebrow in interest. I flushed, mentally cursing myself for getting so embarrassed around him.

"I've been reading for as long as I can remember," I said, not sure why I was getting into this. "Besides vaping it's the only thing that makes me feel good. Distracts me from the world's harsh reality I suppose."

Shit, I thought. I broke my only rule.

"I see," Ian said, frowning now. He didn't report me or anything to the staff of this place, I could tell he, just like everyone else, didn't support my opinion on vaping. I guess I couldn't blame him. Everything The Real Cost says about vaping is true. Statistics prove it.

"There are better ways to cope you know," Ian said, after a long period of awkward silence.

"I'm not depressed."

Ian seemed a little shocked at what I had said. It's true! I'm not! I haven't been diagnosed with anything and just because I keep to myself doesn't mean I'm depressed. 

"I'm perfectly fine," I snapped at him.

"I never said you weren't," Ian smiled, clearly wanting to drop the subject at hand, as did I. He probably didn't know what to say, I didn't expect anything more in all honesty.

Later at night, Kenny dropped by to say he'd be going to the party, probably expecting a last minute change in our opinions in his costume ideas (Spoiler alert! We didn't.) Kenny went with the pirate costume he said he'd be matching Ian with.

"Well, I'm off! Don't have too much fun while I'm gone!" Kenny told us dryly. 

"We won't!" Ian shouted as Kenny made his way out the door.

"So, what were your plans for your birthday again?" Ian smiled. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad.

Me and Ian not so stealthily snuck our way into the cafeteria after hours. Ian probably tripped at least twice and fell on top of me both times.

"Ow!" I laughed. "You are horrible at stealth!"

"It's not my fault!" Ian chuckled. "You tripped me!"

"Did not!" I argued.

"Did too!"

I laughed some more as I couldn't contain myself. When did Ian become so much fun to hang out with? I haven't thought of vaping this whole evening that I've been goofing off with him, it's weird.

"Let's just grab the cupcakes and get out hm?" Ian suggested, rolling his eyes but I could see the smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

I chuckled at this, and treaded onward into the kitchen to grab my well deserved cupcake. Ian strode on after me.

"So was this all you were planning to do?" Ian asked me as we sat down at one of the tables and chowed down our cupcakes.

"No," my voice trailed off. I was unsure if I wanted to go into detail or not, so instead I waited.

"What else did you have in mind?"

I thought about this for a moment. Surely if Ian had been so kind to me throughout my stay here, he wouldn't make fun of me for this right?

"I was going to go outside," I motioned, pointing out the door that leads to the outside eating area. "Lay down on the grass, and just watch the stars for a little while."

"Well then let's go," Ian said, getting up from his seat.


"To see the stars," Ian beamed at me, and held out his hand for me to grab it. I took it, reluctantly, and he dragged me outside.

We laid down staring at the star filled sky for hours, spotting different constellations like The Big Dipper or Ursa Major. I smiled sincerely, and genuinely and felt great. The cold crisp autumn air hitting me so suddenly, but it felt great. Being here with Ian felt great. 

"I'm cold," I muttered, sitting up and hugging my knees at an attempt for warmth.

"Let's head back inside?" He suggested. I nodded and we went back inside the cafeteria, the warm air coming from the heater hitting us suddenly. 

Ah, that's nice.

We used the Staff elevator to get up to the dormitory, because we were lazy and no one was awake at this time of night.

Ian opened the door with his room key-card, and I flopped onto my bed grabbing my novel while Ian went to go take a shower.

Tonight was a good night, I told myself. Things were going to change.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is shorter then the rest! Chapter Four will be a bit longer to make up for it! :)

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