more incorrect quotes because my internet went 📉

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Kasumi: I know we don't always see eye to eye on
Karin: Thats because you're too short.

Eli: WHY?! Why did you give Nico a KNIFE!
Nozomi: I'm sorry. she said she felt unsafe.
Eli: Now I feel unsafe!
Nozomi: I'm sorry.
Nozomi: Would you like a knife?

Honoka: ARE YOU-
Kotori: Fucking
Kotori: Bullshit.
Maki: What is going on?
Kotori: Umi took away Honokas swearing privileges
so I'm helping her out.

Hanayo: What happens if I press the gas pedal and the
brake pedal at the same time?
Rin: The car takes a screenshot!
Maki, exhausted: Please, for the last time, just shut up.

Eli: How are you so smart all the time?
Maki: Oh, I'm not.
Maki: I actually have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just
trying to make sure none of you die.

Shiki: A good romance starts with a good friendship
Mei: And a bad romance starts with rah rah rah ah ah
roma roma ma gaga olala.

Emma: Okay, that's enough! Please stop talking about
Emma: But you said to get it out of my system
Ai: I didn't know you had that much in your

Honoka: Rules are made to be broken.
Eli: No they're made to be followed. Nothing is made
to be broken.
Kotori: Uh piñatas.
Rin: Glow sticks.
Umi: Karate boards.
Maki: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Honoka: Rules.

Rin, reading sheet music: What does "mf" stand for?
Maki: Oh it means-
Rin, guessing: MOTHERFUCKER!

Nozomi: The gods have let me live another day and I'm
going to make it everyone else's problem.

Nico: I never "ugly cry". My crying is beautiful,
magnificent, flawless from years of dedicated practice.
You should be so lucky to even see it. I'm crying right
now just imagining your awe.

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