incorrect quote time

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Sumire: Have you ever just- felt ignored?
Chisato: *Asleep*
Keke: *Watching SunnyPa*
Ren: *Reading*
Kanon: *Working on song lyrics* You say
Sumire:.... never mind-

Karin: i am the most intelligent, valuable person in this club.
Emma: is your hand stuck in that vending machine?
Karin: i paid for my cheetos.
Karin: im getting my cheetos.

Maki: Good morning everyone
Honoka: Good morning!
Umi: Good morning!
Hanayo: Good morning!
Maki: You all sound like robots, spice it up.
Rin, wearing shades: WASSUP HOMEBOYS! NYA!!

Shioriko: You'll never stop me now!
Shizuku: That's where you're wrong, evil-doer! We
will stop you with the powers of:
Kotu: Friendship!
Kasumi: Harmony!
Rina: Incredible violence.
Shizuku: And love!

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