more incorrect quotes bc their fun to do lmao

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Lanzhu: Do you have any bags?
Mia: The only bags I have are the ones under my
eyes, specifically designed to carry the burden of my
Lanzhu: Literally all you had to do was say no

Ayumu: I have this massive crush on this girl.... how do I
tell her that I love her and want to spend the rest of my
life with her?
Yu: Just suck it up and do it!
Ayumu: Okay. Yu-chan. I love you and I want to spend the
rest of my life with you.
Yu: Just like that! Now go tell her!
Ayumu: I... I just did.
Yu: Oh my gosh, really? What did she say?
Ayumu: Dude-

Rina: Okay. Kasumi. Truth or dare?
Kasumi: Dare.
Rina: I got one! I dare you to kiss the most
attractive person in this room.
Kasumi: Okay. Um.. Shizuko?
Shizuku: Yea-
Kasumi: Move. Your blocking the mirror.

Chisato: Who is the most annoying person in Liella
Sumire: Everyone is equally annoying.
Chisato: *Raises eyebrows*
Sumire: Keke.

Nico: Did you know that onions are the only food
that can make somebody cry?
Maki: Really?
Nico: Mhm
Maki: Let me throw a coconut in your face and
see if that fact is true then.

Kotu: So I ate a tide pod today.

(⬆️such random character choice here sorry)

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