LL chatroom?

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uh so this is gonna be like a chatroom? (no shit lmao) this is kinda my first time doin this so i hope u like it


*honky added 8 people*

honky: i made a muse gc ^_^
nyanya!: hello honoka, nya!
honky: heya rin! whatcha doin rn?
nyanya!: i was looking us up on the internet nya!
honky: we're on the internet?- oh wait right we're muse
nyanya!: yah! apparently your shipped with tsubasa, or umi, nya
honky: ship? whats that?
nyanya!: when you think two people belong together, nya! btw, how come no one else is in the gc yet?
honky: prob busy, or they've gotten tired of me 😔
nyanya!: brb nya!
honky: now im alone again Q.Q

*UmiSonoda has joined the chat*

UmiSonoda: hello honoka, sorry for not noticing the gc earlier. i was at practice
honky: its fine, i wonder what rin is doing
UmiSonoda: she ran into the archery building (A/N: idk wat its called) and told me to check my phone
honky: okay then ._.

sorry this sucked lol, if i make another LL chatroom part thingy whatever i'll try to have everyone in. and maybe add in aqours, nijigaku and liella too

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