more incorrect quotes cuz im losing my mind

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Hanayo: Once I hit Rin with my elbow and I
couldn't decide between 'I'm sorry' and 'Are you okay?".
I ended up yelling 'Are you sorry?'
Hanayo: Maki and Nozomi couldn't stop laughing
after that.

Hanamaru, texting: A snake just bit Yoshiko. What should
I do?
Ruby, texting: Um... elevate and add pressure?
Hanamaru, holding the snake up: Apologize or else!

Ai: Good job Kasukasu. *gives sticker*
Kasumi: A sticker? Really?
Ai: Not just any sticker! A yellow sticker with the
words 'You did it' written on it!
Kasumi: Ai-san, I'm not a child.
Ai: Fine, I guess I'll just take it back then-

Honoka about Nico: she's a really good laser tag partner. she's tiny, so she's allowed to push kids.

Nico: If I'm ever shot, what do you do?
Maki: Reload.

Rin: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm
going to burn your house down.

Rina: We're not gonna hang around like sitting ducks.
We're gonna take the fight to them. Like some
WADDLING ducks! If the waddling was super fast and
Ai: Like some boss ass penguins!

Honoka: I'm an idiot.
Umi: If you're waiting for us to disagree it's going to be a
long day.

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