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It was their university and school tour to traditional market of Thailand where they will see various exhibition.. and after taking Nora in the bus Ace sat down beside him  while all of the students were playing many games...

In the bus all of the boyfriends and girlfriends were being lovey dovey, singles were flirting and nerds were just studying including Ace...

Nora on the other side just sighed and closing his eyes he put his head on Ace's shoulder but the guy pulled his head up and kept it comfortably...

Finally they reached at huge market where they will tour today...

Placing Nora back on the wheelchair they began to roam around when Nora saw a beautiful jewelery shop...

"Ace let's go there" he said pointing at the shop and nodding Ace pushed the wheelchair towards the shop...

"How much is this?" He asked showing the lady the ring...

"It's 20,000 baht,it's specially imported from Italy..." She said smiling sweetly at both of them..

"Ace buy me this ring" he said unknown to the fact that Ace didn't actually have this amount of money with him...

"I-i only have 100 baht with me" being embarassed the guy said...

"It's ok..it's not even that much good" saying that Nora moved his wheelchair another side when Zayn came there...

"I can buy it for you Nora... don't worry this poor Ace can never even give you a fake ring" he said smiling at the guy...

"Are you my boyfriend?" Nora asked raising his eyebrows with a straight face...


"Then why would you buy it for me..and who are you to buy it for me...do you even know who I m...I can buy this whole shop if I want to but I wanted to take it from Ace that's why... don't you dare to brag about yourself infront of me" saying that he began to move forward while Ace was following him...

Coming out they both sat down on the bench under a tree...

"When I get rich or even start earning more money then I will buy much more better ring than that for you" Ace said

"It's ok...I tend to like useless things more like..."

"Like what?"

"You" saying that Nora laughed loudly and the other guy pouted like a baby...

"I m not useless"

"You are, useless Ace who can't even draw a flower" he teased as Ace was little bit bad in drawing...

"Shut up! Let's eat something" he said but then he remembered he only have 100 baht with him...

"Don't worry poor boyfriend...I have brought stuffed buns for both of us.." Nora gave it to Ace and both of them had that looking at the small pond infront of them in peace and heart filled with love for eachother unknown to the fact that someone was staring at them...

You will regret insulting me Nora...you are so proud of your relationship right..let's see!

"I wish I can ride that merry go round...but I don't think I can ever do that" pouting his lips sadly Nora began to eat his food when out of blue Ace pulled him up in a princes way and began to walk towards the ride...

"Ace what are you doing?" He said looking here and there as everyone were staring at them..

"Leta go and ride that..."

"Shut up! Everyone will laugh on me..." He Said angrily glaring at Ace...

"You ain't a celebrity so no will remember you.. let's go" after buying the tickets for 50 Ace walked into the basket and made Nora sit there...

When the ride started he was little bit scared but when he saw Nora was literally looking at ease and his face was shining looking out he forgot all his problems...

At the top the ride stopped for few seconds and Nora looked down happily...

"Can u take our picture?" Nora asked the girl who was sitting infront of them and the kind girl immediately agreed...

"Smile both of you" she said and both of them gave a wierd smile...

"Damn! Don't smile just sit casually" she said and both of them began to Stare at camera weirdly...

"Ok pronounce cheese" she said trying to take a good picture of both of them...

"Cheese" both of them said and she finally took a good picture..

Nora looked at the pictures and showed it to Ace...

"Once we get married we will come back and take same picture, before and after 0k" he asked looking at the guy in a serious tone and the other guy nodded..

"You guys are very much boring but cute couples,I feel so single" she said pouting and both of them looked at eachother... judging the girl very much..

Finally after the ride they both came out and returned back to their home...

A/N-: This is a warning note before the upcoming stories...this story contains many ups and downs with serious character damage so ne prepared and for those who always want happy ending, good news that it's a happy ending ok..but a lot of things will happen which can make you sad , happy and stressed so be prepared...

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