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When Nora passed out Ace immediately moved him out and was waiting for any cab just then a guy's car stopped beside him...

"You want lift?" The guy from the driver seat asked

Without saying anything Ace immediately pulled Nora in and after folding his wheel chair he put it in too..

"Where do you want to go?" The guy from front asked

"Vendy hospital... please be fast" he said wiping Nora's face who was sweating and was laying on the seat...

"Something happened to him?" The guy asked little bit panicking while looking at Nora...

"Shut up! Drive" Ace said yelling at the guy and pouting the guy silently began to drive looking at them through mirror time to time...

"Nora wake up please" the guy sprinkled some water but Nora didn't wake up....

Finally as soon as they reached at hospital he got down and went inside taking Nora...

The guy looked at the wheel chair which was still in the car so sighing he got down and went inside the hospital...

After around 20 minutes he finally saw Ace Nora and was about to meet them when he saw Tharn was standing there with those kid.....

"This bastard...why God? why u brought him infront of me again" He angrily turned around and gave  that wheelchair to the nurse and told her to give them to the kids who were standing there unknown to the fact that they were related to Tharn.....

(It's previous story when Type recently came to Bangkok)

On the other side Nora came back into his senses and looked at Tharn who was injured on his head and hands but not that much...

"Dadda.." as soon as Nora wake up he hugged the man tightly and Tharn groaned in pain...

"How are you..?. i-i thought you died...Dadda are you ok?" Tharn was shocked to death as this was the first time Nora called him Dadda and hugged him...

"Dadda I m your Dadda?" He asked crying a little bit looking straight into his dad's eyes...

"So what? Ace said you met with an accident...are you ok Dadda?" Nora asked looking here and there...

"I m ok, fortunately I m ok... anyways let's go from here, this place is too crowded you shouldn't stay here for a long time" Tharn took both of them out when the nurse stopped them...

"Sir your wheelchair, a guy gave it to me" she said and walked away after handing it to Ace...

"Which guy?" Tharn asked looking at Ace...

"I don't know,I took lift from a random guy...I don't remember anything" he said as he was so much worried about Nora at that time so he completely forgot about that guy's face or anything..


"Dadda you feeling good?" Nora asked to his Dadda who was smiling like a crazy man sitting on the bed...

"I m very very called me Dadda and this is one of the happiest day for me,I wish it happened earlier" he was so obvious about his happiness...

"Shut sleep" he pulled on the blanket on him and still smiling the guy closed his eyes

Turning off the lamp Nora moved out and went to balcony and was looking at the stars when someone tapped on his shoulder...

"Umm...can I ask you something?" Ace asked standing infront of Nora...

"Yes"I thought he will ask me which ring I want or when to do our engagement but this unromantic guy just spoiled my mood..

"It's already past 11, can't you remember your routine?" He scolded me as always..and I m regretting my decision to make him My boyfriend.

Reaching in our room he as usual pulled me in his lap but it felt different from earlier,I was feeling butterfly in my tummy...

"Read this three pages one time before you sleep" he handover the book to me as tomorrow is my Geography subject test

I did what he said to me and keeping it aside I laid down on the bed and he at the same  laid down beside me...

I thought he will hug me or forcefully kiss me or smile at me like boyfriends in kdramas do but turning to another side he silently slept...

Are we really boyfriends?

Shrugging my thoughts away I just closed my eyes and was about to fell asleep when my stomach growled and damn I think I need to poop...

Sitting down I decided to call aunt marry when I remembered she is out of town.. then I decided to call Dadda but he must be sleeping and he's hurt so I can't...

Sitting down I pulled my wheelchair closer and was about to try to sit when Ace held me from back...

"Wait let me help" he made me sit on the chair and asked me where to go...

I instructed him inside the bathroom and the guy was still there...

"You can wait outside" I said and nodding he walked out...

Finally when I was done with my buisness I called him in..

"You done?" Looking at me and I nodded... pulling me out he made me sit on the bed and now my stomach was empty...

"I want to eat icecream" I asked and without saying anything he walked away... after few minutes he came back with a cup of icecream...

"Eat this.." it's ok if he's not romantic or creepy like other boyfriends atleast he's Caring...

Maybe he will like me in future!

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