Chapter 7: The White Fang

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Ruby awoke from her sleep, she stretched her arms and yawned. She then looked at Blake's bed but she was not there then a sad face appeared on her face.
Small time skip
Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were walking around Vale hoping to find Blake. Ruby said: "She has been gone all weekend and if only we have Izuku right now that would be easier."
Weiss replied: "Blake is a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself and Izuku, we already know he is an Elite Hunter, there is nothing can stop him."
Yang said: "Come on Weiss, she is one of our teammates."
Weiss replied: "Is she? We all heard what she said."
Ruby said: "Weiss."
Yang said: "Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she is missing and we need to find her."
Weiss replied: "A member of the White Fang right under need our noses."
Ruby then said with a depressing voice: "I just she and Izuku are okay."
Scene change to Izuku, Blake and Sun.
Izuku, Blake, and Sun were at a coffee drinking a cup of tea while Izuku drinking coffee. Blake sighed and said: "So you two want to know more about me."
Sun replied: "Finally she speaks, nearly two days and the only thing Izuku and I got were small talks and weird looks."
Blake gave an annoyed look and Sun said: "Yeah like that."
Izuku said: "Sun, you understand that look is what she looks like when she is annoyed."
Sun said: "That's what she looks like? But have I been annoying to you Blake?"
Blake rolled her eyes and said: "Sun and Izuku, are you both familiar with the White Fang?"
Sun replied: "Of course, I don't think there is any Faunus on this planet who hasn't heard about them. Stupid and hollow than those creeps and they use force for whatever they want, a bunch of freaks if you ask me."
Blake was annoyed by Sun's comment and said to Izuku: "What about you Izuku? What do you think about them?"
Izuku replied: "Hmm... Well, I have heard about them but it's difficult to answer your question because I don't know their goal or the reason why the Faunus join the White Fang. But it's still wrong to do."
Blake seems satisfied with the answer, she said: "I was once a member of the White Fang."
Sun choked on the tea which he was drinking and Izuku wasn't surprised by the answer.
After Sun recovered from choking, he said: "Wait, you were a member of the White Fang?"
Blake replied: "That's right, i was member most of my life actualy, you could almost say i was born into it. Back then, things were different in the ashes of war, the White fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and the faunus, but of course, despite being promised quality. They were being subjected to discrimination and hate, and humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. So the White Fang rose, as a voice for our people and I was there with them when I was a small girl, I was at the front of every rally, I took part in every boycott and I thought we were making a difference, but I was just a youthful optimist. Then five years ago our leader stepped down and a new one took his place, a new leader with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peaceful protests were being replaced by organized attacks, they set fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacked cargo from companies that used Faunus labor, and the worst part was it was working, we were being treated like equals but not our of respect but out of fear. So I left, I decided I don't want to use my skills to help them in their violence, so instead, I decided to dedicate my life to becoming a huntress, so here I am a criminal hiding in plain view all with the help of a little black bow."
Izuku said: "I don't think that makes you a criminal. You just want to be treated equally and prove to humanity that not all Faunus are bad. Am I right?"
Blake nodded as Sun said: "So have you told your friends any of this?"
Scene change to Team RWY
Both Yang and Ruby were calling out for Blake to find her and Weiss was doing... nothing.  Ruby then said: "Weiss, you're not helping."
Weiss replied: "You know who might be able to help? The police!"
Ruby said with an angry face: "Ugh... Weiss."
Weiss replied: "What? It was just an idea."
Ruby said: "Yeah, a bad one."
Yang said: "Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story first before we jump to conclusions."
Weiss said: "I think when you heard it, you will all realize I was right."
And out of nowhere, Penny appeared behind them and said: "And I think Weiss, her hair looks wonderful today."
Ruby screamed out and said: "Uuwhaa, Penny where did you come from?"
Penny asked: "Hey guys. What are you up to?"
Yang replied: "We're looking for our friend Blake."
Penny said: "Ooh... You mean the Faunus girl."
Three of them all blinked in incision a few times and Ruby then asked: "How did you know that?"
Penny said: "Uhhh... The cat ears."
Yang said: "What cat ears? She wears... a bow."
As a tumbleweed passed by, Yang said: "She does like tuna a lot."
Penny asked: "So where is she?"
Ruby replied: "We don't know, she has been missing since Friday."
Penny grabbed Ruby's shoulder then said: "That's terrible. Well don't you worry Ruby, my friend, I will not rest until I find your teammate."
Ruby said: "That's really nice of you Penny, but we are okay. Right guys?"
She looked at where Yang and Weiss were a few seconds ago but they were long gone. And another tumbleweed passed by, Penny said: "It sure is windy today."
Scene changes to Izuku, Blake, and Sun.
Sun asked: "So what's the plan now?"
Blake replied: "I still don't believe that the White Fang are behind these robberies, they never needed that much dust before."
Sun said: "What if they did? I mean the only way to prove that they didn't do it is by going to the place where they most likely would do it and not finding them there, right?"
Blake said: "The only thing is I don't have any idea where that would be."
Sun said: "Well when I was on the ship I heard some guys talking about loading a huge shipment of dust from Atlas."
Blake asked: "How huge?"
Sun replied: "Huge, I mean big Schnee company freighter."
Blake said: "Are you sure?"
Sun nodded then Izuku said: "Not only that, but they also worked with someone."
Blake asked: "Who?"
Izuku replied: "Not a Faunus but a human. They are working with a human."
Blake and Sun were surprised about that then Blake said as she almost raised her voice: "That's absurd, no White Fang member will work with a HUMAN."
Izuku said: "I heard it right that day... Unless they are desperate but we don't know why they are working with a human."
Blake thought: 'I never heard the White Fang with a human. Is Izuku right? But he never lies.'
Sun asked: "So what now?"
Blake replied: "We will find out about it."
Scene changes to Yang and Weiss.
Yang and Weiss just walked out of the cafe shop to ask if they had seen Blake but no luck. Yang said: "Thanks anyway. This is hopeless, you really don't care if we find her, do you, Weiss?"
Weiss replied: "Don't be stupid. Of course, I do. I am just afraid of what she is going to say when we find her, the innocent never run Yang."
Scene changes to Ruby and Penny.
Penny asked: "So Blake is your friend?"
Ruby sighed and said: "Yes Penny."
Penny asked: "But you're mad at her?"
Ruby replied: "Yes. Well, I am not but Weiss is."
Penny asked: "Is she friends with Blake?"
Ruby replied: "Well, that's kinda in the air right now."
Penny asked: "But why?"
Ruby sighed heavier and said: "Well, you see Blake is might not what we thought she was."
Penny said: "Is she a man?"
Ruby replied: "No no... Penny, I don't really know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to is before she decided to run off."
Penny said: "I don't really have a lot of friends, but if I did I would want them to about things."
Ruby replied: "Me too."
Scene changes to Izuku, Blake and Sun.
Blake and Izuku were looking over the containers from the Schnee company and it was already dark. Sun came back with food and asked: "Did anything happen?"
Izuku replied while still looking through the thermal vision: "No not yet, they have loaded everything from the boats but now they are waiting."

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