"Draw me something." Lord Gu's voice cut through the comfortable silence.

Yun and her father were both sitting in a small gazebo in the courtyard. On the stone table, a brush set with ink stone were placed readily. A sheet of parchment was unrolled, the edges held down by her father's wooden paperweight in the slight breeze.

Yun picked up a brush, and dipped it into the ink with a slow deliberateness. She hadn't really thought of what to draw, but as the tip of the brush touched the paper, she found herself trying to outline the moonshine peonies that she had seen in her dreams, the strokes coming together decently. The black ink flared out against the yellow sheet, and soon a peony took shape.

Her father stood up to look over the painting. He nodded with approval as Yun lined the petals with a darker shade, making them seem even dainty like.

"How about a person? You should be able to do it." Her father asked as she set down her brush, looking at the painting she just made.

Yun paused after she unrolled a new sheet of parchment, feeling just as clueless as her father took the previous one aside.

The brush moved on its own accord though as she touched it to the parchment again. She painted smaller, thinner strokes, outlining the face. Broad strokes for his hair, and water splashed against his cheeks, shading the contours smoothly. The mono-lidded eyes came to life after she finished drawing his high nose and his thin lips. As Yun tried to paint him as detailed and as true as possible, she had to close her eyes for several intervals to recall.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she had drawn her Intended. She let out a breath shakily, her shoulders rolling back as she set down the brush. Her eyes connected with those on the parchment, and her heart skipped a beat.

Those eyes... Somehow, she had managed to draw the feelings in them. And it made them seem real and longing.

She blinked when her father pulled the parchment away from her, and she glanced upwards quickly, the panic evident in her eyes as her father gazed thoughtfully at the drawing.

"Your skills have improved." He finally nodded without saying anything more. Setting it down on the table again, he smiled at it, looking satisfied.

"Thank you, Father." Yun smiled. But it faltered as soon as her eyes landed on the paintings again. Forcing herself not to think too much about it, she tied them into scrolls so she could keep them later. Her fingers pressed too tightly around the edges though, making them crumpled as she put them away, and tidied the rest of the table.


Spring passed, and summer came soon enough in the sixth month. The weather became warmer and the sudden rains were no more. The town of Guiying slowly became busier as well, as more merchants were willing to travel around due to the nicer weather. Lord Gu had stayed in Guiying and collected his batches of goods to be traded out in the later months, choosing to spend more time at the manor instead.

Yun had celebrated her birthday as well in the eighth month, turning eighteen. But unlike the other ladies around her, she still hadn't got an engagement yet. She wasn't rushing for one, and it seems like her father wasn't as well. Instead, he had spent her days trying out new combinations of herbs, making accounts of them, dancing and painting.

The days passed, and the dreams continued, but nothing was new until the day after her birthday.

The governor had summoned for the Gu family to his manor, by the will of the Emperor. A small group of soldiers had made their way into Guiying town as well, in full armour, as told by the ladies during their routine meet-ups.

Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1) [NANOWRIMO 2022]Where stories live. Discover now