Ch 14. Ruler of nothing

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"No matter where you are, in life or possible death. Know that I will fulfill our legacy."

"Don't wake up schlatt, he should just rest. Now. Slime what are we going to need?" Quackity spoke eagerly. They need to get moving. Slime told quackity what could be coming as they went to alert sapnap, who was still in the guest rooms. "Oh hey big Q! You doing alright?"  "I'm fine sapnap. Look something's wrong. Somthin big is coming, and we don't have much time." "Wait what do you me- slime?! What are you doing here?" Sapnap stood up, defensively holding an unlit torch to his side. "Woah woah, calm down sap. We can worry about what went on with slime later. We got bigger fish to fry right now. Just put down the torch, there ya go." Sapnap put the torch down slowly. He wasn't sure if he could even try trusting the slime, he guesses this is how karl felt before. "Slime, we need to gather the rest of las Navadas' citizens. We need, shoot, purpled, foolish, fundy, everyone!" "You got it Quackity from las navadas!" The slime ran off. Quackity and sapnap started running back toward the unfinished casino, someone else was already here. "Wilbur? What are you doing here? Wait- no. You gotta go it's not safe right now!" "And hello to you too quackity. I figured I'd stop by, see how things are moving for ya." "Yeah things are going great. It's not safe! Go!" "Why would it not be safe? I thought you would have bigger security or something."  "Wilbur now is not the time to joke, this thing isn't just another security issue." "Then I'll stay and help."  Quackity wasn't even sure what to say. It was clear he wasn't getting rid of Wilbur. "Fine! What ever! Come on sap! We need to get the others."  The two ran off. "Rude. Ah well." 

Sapnap and quackity caught up to slime who was talking to purpled. "Good purpled, we need to get the others."  "Quackity something is wrong. Like something else. Somebody left a chest near the casino." "What? Look we can deal with that later we have an emergency right now and it isn't that."  "But-"  "no butts. Slime, can you help gather everyone to the bank? God I hope it's finished." "Will do!" As slime and purpled ran off foolish approached. "Quackity uhm. You may want to see this." What now? What could it possibly be? He thought. Foolish took Quackity and sapnap High above the top of the needle. In the distance they could see something. Now they could truly see why they were so worried. A rather large being was coming, it wore a long trailing cloak, with golden tips, it had two sets of huge wings that flapped slowly and almost majestically, and it's head didn't seem all that attached. It's mouth almost looked painted on as two large, glowing, green and gold halos wrapped around it's head. The being was terrifying, and who knows what it was capable of. It seemed to be holding something, or someone? It was hard to tell, but they would find out soon enough. "Foolish what- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" "I don't know! What happened while you were gone? I was hoping you would know at least." Foolish shrunk back down and set the two down as well. "Foolish get to the bank." "The bank? Why?" "Is it done? At least the big vault?" "Well yea- but why?" "The reason I wanted you to use obsidian on the big vaults is so that they can double as blast shelters. Now go!" Foolish headed to the bank. 

 It's arrived. 

The giant being lowered itself and shrunk, setting down its friend behind him. "Who are you?! What are you doing here?"  It slowly walked up to Quackity and spoke, it's voice was deep and mildly distorted. "Hello Quackity." "How do you kno-" "I know lots of things. My name is not important right now. I'm here because my friend here says you tried to kill him." The being's friend walked from behind him. "George?!" George now had a green mushroom hat and a blue cape, one eye was green. George didn't say anything he just stared as the being spoke again. "Now.. Do you care to explain. Why you tried to kill him? In fact! Why don't you explain why you betrayed him AND tried to kill him?" "I- I didn't mean to kill him! We were arguing a bit too close to the edge an-"  "SILENCE" Quackity immediately shut up, the god was now fuming, the painted smile glowed green. "You do not get to speak. The two of you were arguing over something that could have, and should have, ahem, been taken care of a long time ago.  No sorry will fix it. And by the way George didn't die." "He- he didn't?" "No. I saved him. I teleported him to safety." The world seemed to be spinning, and it wasn't just the booze. Everything was changing, he thought he killed George but he was alive? Not only that but he was with a god? How could this be? But what dumbfounded Quackity the most was why he came back. "George, why did you come back? I mean- if your really that upset…you wouldn't want to see me ever again right?" Finally he spoke. "Your right. I don't. That's exactly why I'm here Quackity. To make sure, I don't ever have to see you again, not even the green god or XD can save you. After all, why would they? You tortured Dream, and disrespected me and my deity. Now no one will save you."  "George please! I didn't mean it! I let my emotions get the better of me, I'm sorry! I-"  "it's a little late for sorrys Quackity! I've already made the deal." George tipped his hat and stepped back as the god stood between the two. "Now… you have 2 options Quackity. Either you accept your fate or watch as everything you've built, your entire legacy, be destroyed. It's your choice, mortal." Quackity didn't know what to say, everything was happening so fast. *mind*"what do I do?! What should I do?! What do I-"  "HEY!" 

"Slime?" "You don't get to talk to my best friend like that!" "Oh really and what are you supposed to be slime? Human? Honestly are you trying to act human? Pshh!" The God's voice would cackle at this. "YOUR HONESTLY TRYING TO ACT HUMAN?! AHAHAHAHAH! OH! Oh that's rich! What would a slime know about acting human? Let alone standing up… to a god?"  "Apparently not much. But Quackity has taught me how and and I bet I could take you down right now!" "Slime no-!" "Oh? And what's that wager? Hm?" Slime didn't realize what he'd just said. He had to choose his next words wisely or it would back into the ground for him. "If.. If I win you have to make me a god and leave Quackity and the rest of las Navadas alone! And if you win… "  "if I win, I get to destroy this place and make you watch as the duck man dies a painful, slow death! Does that sound good?" "Slime don't make this wager you can't win!" Charlie thought about this, he knows he'll win one way or another. "Fine deal! Where do we fight?" "There is an ancient Colosseum nearby. We will meet there at 7." The god spoke as he picked George up and grew to a larger size. "Don't be late!~" and with that, he left. 

"Slime… what have you done?"


Energy loss (Villian Charlie slimesiccle AU) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat