Ch 12. Fear and Falling

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After a while of walking around the server, Charlie and Dream heard someone yelling. The two hid  and listened. "SAM WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S OUT?!" Tommy was angry.  "Tommy im sorry! I don't know how it happened i-" "YOU COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING! MAYBE OH I'M DON'T KNOW? FIND HIM?!" "Tommy please calm down. I'm doing my best, I just figure you'd like to know." "Calm down? CALM DOWN? SAM THIS IS DREAM WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!" Tommy stormed off and Sam just stood there. The duo decided to go see if Ranboo and Tubbo know yet. By the time they got there, Tommy was knocking on Tubbo's door. "TUBBO! please open!" "Geez. Calm down Tommy. Is everything alright?" "I have bad news.. May I come in?" Tubbo let Tommy in an the duo moved closer. Inside, Ranboo and Tubbo were sitting on the couch and Tommy was standing, telling them that dream was out, and what Sam had told him. Tubbo stood up looking distraught, yelling at Tommy, likely asking a ton of questions. Ranboo sat on the couch staring at the ground, he seemed to zone out, the two could see his mouth moving, saying "no… no.. "

The duo walked off toward what used to be kinoko kingdom. "Woah. What happened here?" "Oh! This was kinoko kingdom. But Quackity burnt it down. Shame really, it was kinda neat." "Oh. Weird. Ah well." The two went down the hill to better investigate and salvage items, maybe more weapons and stuff. "Hmm. Charlie what do you think? This sword may be salvageable-" "Dream?" Dream and Charlie turned around to see George, who was wearing a long red cape and mushroom hat. He walked closer and took his hat off. "Dream? No- you can't be here- your not- how did you escape? And did you do this i-" Dream got up and gave George a hug. "George.. I missed you! Why didn't you ever visit?" "I was… busy… but you didn't answer my questions." "Well for starters, I dug. I dug my way out. And no I did not do this. Quackity did." "Quackity? Do he wouldn't do this- slime is this true?" "Yep! Came back smelling of smoke." The slime reassured. "No way. I mean this is crazy, and I just can't believe your here dream." "George can you ever forgive me? For what I did?" "No."  "What- why? I mean- what if something happens and I don't see you again?" "Well I'm not going to give you that. I'm glad to see you again but no. I don't forgive you. You don't deserve closure."  "Well won't you at least walk with us for a bit?" "I can do that.. "

Quackity, Jschlatt, Karl and Sapnap were walking toward the top of one of the water falls in Lmanburg. When they got to the top the sat next to it, watching the water. Karl and Sapnap were talking while Quackity and Schlatt stayed mostly silent. "So.. Quackity.. Are we just not going to talk, or?" Quackity had his hand in his pocket, feeling the key chain worth killing over. "I don't know Schlatt. I'm still trying to figure this out. Relationship wise and in general." He avoided eye contact with the man. "Come on hon. I know, but that doesn't mean we can't figure this out." There was silence between the two for a moment. "What deal did you make with dream?"  "What?" "You mentioned a deal earlier. With dream. One that prevented you from helping sooner." Schlatt didn't know what to say. He finally thought of how to word it. "That bastard said he would revive me. But on the one condition. I would help him. He brought me back so I owe him. Of course I do. And I doubt that son of a bitch is going to let me go off easy. What ever favor he's going to want, he's going to want a big one. Big favor for a life." Quackity wasn't sure what to think. This man, the man he used to love, the man that just helped him, could still betray him. Weather he wants to or not. "I don't know what to say I-" he was cut off. "QUACKITY!" Quackity bolted around to see a smug Dream, an angry George, and a intentful Charlie. "How could you?!"  Ah here we go again he thought. "You burnt down kinoko kingdom?! Not only that I- ErUaTh! Im so frustrated I don't even know what to say! I'm disappointed in you Quackity!" Charlie walked in between the, now standing, Quackity and Schlatt, Karl, and Sapnap. "I really thought you would have at least stuck to the plan but ah well. After some thinking, all three of you hurt him so now I'm going to keep you three away from him. He deserves better!" "Oh what. You?! Are you any better than us?" Sapnap taunted. "Maybe not but at least I'm not ignoring him, trying to restart something that isn't there." Charlie said, looking from Karl and Sapnap to Schlatt. 

George and Quackity started arguing more and more by the second. "Whats done is done George! We already made up for it!" "Maybe you three did, but we haven't!" "Well your not my fiance! So maybe it wasn't my top priority!" "Oh yeah yeah, well this has been done how long ago? None of you even tried to tell me! Or try to apologize?!" "Oh well SURE! So sorry George. There Happy?!" The argument started to become a fight. They started getting closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.  "Hey George- maybe calm down a bit? Or at least get away from the edge?" Dream tried to get the fight away from the edge. "Shut up Dream! This doesn't involve you!" George scolded. They started punching. "You want a fight George?! FINE!" He shoved George back closer to the edge. George retaliated by shoving Quackity back. "Big Q seriously maybe step back? please?" Karl pressured. Quackity threw another punch. George lunged both arms forward toward Quackity, of which Quackity grabbed and pushed him back harder. Maybe a little to hard. "GEORGE!" Dream watched as George tripped back. There was no sound. No voices. No splash nor thud. "GEORGE PLEASE!" Dream ran to the edge but Sapnap pulled him back into a hug to consol his old friend. There was no sound. Only tears. No Thud. Just worry. No splash. Just Quackity staring to the cliff.

“What have I done…..?”

Energy loss (Villian Charlie slimesiccle AU) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon