Ch 1 Slime

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"Welcome to las nevadas slime!" Quackity welcomed the creature. "Wow! It's so big quackity from las nevadas! I'm so glad to be here!"  "Well I'm glad. Let me show you around." Quackity took Charlie around the country, showing him the different sights and sounds, the casinos and of course the needle. Slimesiccle looked amazed at everything, seeing it all in person and not from a hole or a distance.

Quackity offered Charlie to be a resident and help around with things. "Of course Quackity from las nevadas! I'd be glad to help!"  "Great! Here let me go get you a uniform and contract." Quackity walked off as Charlie watched and waited, thinking to himself.  After a while of waiting he walked over and picked up a flower, dripping a bit of slime on the ground. He sighed. "What an amazing place!" He sniffed the flower before dropping it on the ground as he saw quackity. The flower was left wilted on the ground.

"Hey! Slime I got you an outfit! What do you think?"  Quackity lifted the outfit up by the sleeves and suspenders. It looked similar to his outfit accept the tie and straps were green to match him. "Oh it's great Quackity from las nevadas! I'm going to go try it on!"  Charlie ran off into the needle. Quackity watched as he ran to the elevator, smiling.

Charlie came running out of the elevator now wearing formal wear. The outfit now had small bits of slime here and there but it was only natural. "Look look! It looks good doesn't it?!  It fits my bones nicely." He said with a smile. "It looks great slime!" The two began talking business, with the casinos and everything,  it needed to be a serious conversation.

Energy loss (Villian Charlie slimesiccle AU) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें