Ch 9. A sticky situation

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Tw! This chapter has slight mentions of blood, death, and other grotesque things, but it's more Subttle and only in the first few paragraphs.

After touring the unfinished Bank, karl and sapnap decided to make up with Quackity. Foolish talked them into it after telling him about what happened, foolish said that they should apologize but partially untill Quackity apologies as well. The two decided he would prolly be in his office in the needle so they headed that way. The went up the elevator to apologize, when they saw it. On the floor right in front of the elevator, there was slime, dust, and a small puddle of blood. Due to the slime, it had a green-ish tint to it, the slime made it goopy and lumpy. Sapnap felt like he wanted to throw up. "Gods! What is that?!" Sapnap said, disgusted. "Oh no… he didn't."  "Who didn't? What do you mean karl?"  Karl wasn't sure what to say, he was trying to choke back tears. "He wouldn't have killed Quackity, he said he didn't want him hurt!" Karl thought.

"Come on Karl spit it out! What do you *urp* what do you mean?" "I-" just when Karl was about to tell Sapnap Quackity walked around the corner with a mop. "Quackity!" Karl exclaimed, he was very relived. "Huh? Oh Karl woah-" Karl hugged him tightly. "Uhh hey.. Karl. What are you two doing up here I thought you left a while a go?"  "We uhh. Wanted to apologize. We're sorry we didn't look for you sooner. Or together. And we should have been more understanding. But we hope.. That you apologize about the arson?" Quackity looked at sapnap stunned. Karl finally let go and spoke. "Yea.. We're sorry big Q. Won't you forgive us?"  "I- yea I forgive you guys.. Missed ya and. Oh god.. A lot has happened on my sorry too, I suppose. I shouldn't have burnt down your hard work."  The three just stared at each other for a while. "Sooo. What happened here?" Karl pointed to the small puddle. "Oh… that.. Charlie just uhh HEH left some debris. It nothi-"  Karl cut him off. "And why is it so.. Greenish red? And… sticky?"  "Well don't touch it! Look he just had an accident is all."  Sapnap felt like he was going to be sick but still spoke to quackity. "Q.. What happened to him because that  "red"  looks like… blood. Is the slime alright?"  The keychain with the rings hung out of Quackity's pocket ever so slightly and a little bit of slime dripped off of it. "We had a little fight and he uhh tripped. He'll be fine though."

"Oh ok. Say… what's that?"  "What's what?"  "That."  Karl pointed to his pocket but before he could say anything sam came through the elevator. Quackity just saw the green for a moment then realized it was sam. "Char-? oh hey Sam what's up?"  "Hey Quackity. What the- I'm not going to question it- anyway I figured I'd tell you that- oh hey Karl, sapnap."  "Hey Sam!" They said in unison. "Hey Quackity can u talk to you alone? It'll be Quick." "Sure Sam."  The two walked out of the room. Karl and Sapnap looked at each other for a moment. It was silent for a moment. "Hey Sap? I- I think Quackity and that slime got in a fight. But like- a bad one. I think Slime was trying to kill Quackity and instead Quackity took his… well what I think is his first life."  "Oh come on Karl it can't be that bad. I think maybe the kid just got in an argument and hit his head or something. And didn't Quackity call him Charlie?"  "I don't know.. That puddle.. Is rather uhm.. Large for a simple hit of the noggin. And yea I think he did call him Charlie. Maybe that's the kids name?"  "I'd assume so. But let's not make to many assumptions towards what ever uhm.. Incident that happened. Ok?"  The two agreed not to make any more assumptions and just talked for a while.

Meanwhile, Sam updated Quackity. "So Techno is officially in the prison with dream. All good?"  "Ah yes! Thanks Sam. That was rather quick too. I just told him like- yesterday? Yesterday!"  "Oh very nice. Well I should prolly head back to the prison. Make sure all is well." Just as Quackity was about to speak, Sam's ender pearl stasis chamber was activated, meaning someone wanted to visit. And just like that he was gone. Quackity blinked for a moment taken off guard. "That works-" Quackity looked at the keychain he had. "Damn. I thought I got all that off. Guess have to wipe it off better. I'll get it later." Quackity walked back out with the mop as the two fiances were talking. Quackity joined the conversation while mopping. After mopping Quackity walked over to the balcony. "What a nice evening." Something managed to catch his eye however. Someone or something was standing down near the fountain. They were wearing a dark cloak, similar to the one Quackity owned and used on missions he needed to be sneaky with. "The hell? Who is-?" He stepped back from the balcony for a moment before looking back. The mysterious person wasn't there anymore. Quackity walked back and took the others to a fancy restaurant in las Navadas. As they passed the fountain, Quackity looked where the odd person was before. Laying in the exact spot was a small bit of slime with 4 wilted flowers next it. It was hard to see and Quackity couldn't quite put his finger on it but was that… dust?

At the restaurant, the three sat at a lovely table with extravagant tastes. They were all eating and talking when somebody else walked in. Quackity wasn't facing the door so he couldn't see who it was untill they sat at a table a couple few over from where they were sitting. They had a long jacket, similar to the trench coat wilbur wore, had a hood and some long pants. From the looks they were only a foot taller than Quackity, maybe less. Something about them felt familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it. Purpled finally walked up to the table and took their orders, hence how drinks were already served. "Alright and what would you guys like to eat tonight?"
Quackity: " I'll have the steak."

Karl: "I'll have the mutton."

Sapnap: "hmm make that 2 steaks please." 

"Alright I'll be back in a bit." The three continued talking for what felt like forever. The person sitting at the table a few over took their hood off. It wasn't at all who Quackity had originally thought, the person was Niki, she got a glass of water, seeming to wait for someone. Quackity thought about greeting her but figured it'd be best not to, at least for now.

Something still bothered Karl about Charlie and Quackity's fight. He knew Charlie didn't just "hit his head" but he didn't- no wouldn't think that Quackity would kill the slime, if he were to do that he would have done that a long time ago. Something just didn't add up. Karl glanced at the door for a moment, it opened. Captain puffy walked in and sat with Niki. They sounded happy. So was he. Sapnap suggested they have a bonfire in the back area of Las Navadas. Quackity said it sounded fun, and as a way for getting back at him they could burn a SMALL thing or two from his country.


Energy loss (Villian Charlie slimesiccle AU) Where stories live. Discover now