Ch 13. ruler of everything

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Dream broke out of the hug and looked to the edge of the cliff. He couldn't see him, his best friend maybe more, just gone. He wasn't really sure if George even had any other canon lives, he'd been away for so long. Dream was silent as he stood back up. He looked at Quackity, who was still in shock. "YOU! QUACKITY I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" He grabbed Quackity by the shoulder and made him face himself. Dream no longer had his mask due to being in prison, Quackity could see the full face. Dream's angry, scarred face. "You will pay for what you've done. All of it. To me, to him, and whoever else you hurt for that damn country of yours." He shoved Quackity toward the edge of the cliff, where he fell a few inches away from the edge. "And it won't be quick. Come on slime. We have work to do." Nobody said anything as the green duo walked away. Karl looked to Quackity for a moment before turning away. "I-... I gotta go."  Karl ran off.  "Karl, wait! I didn't He left.." Quackity didn't move, watching as Karl walked off toward the former kinoko kingdom.  "Quackity.. I know you didn't mean to and I don't think it was his last life.. I would just- *sigh* Let's head back to las nevadas. I think we just need some time to breathe." Sapnap spoke, trying to calm quackity down.

The three went back to Las Navadas, the bright country shining with the sun. They all went up to Quackity's office. They took a seat and thought for a moment. Quackity was sitting at his main desk, holding the bridge of his nose; schlatt was sitting on the messy floor looking at Quackity, worried; and sapnap was fiddling with his lighter, standing. They all felt on edge considering what had happened, and wondered what Karl was up to. "Hey Sap? What do you think karl's up to?" "Hm? I don't know.  Probably to wherever he goes when something bad happens."  "What do you mean?"  "Oh don't you remember big Q? Karl always had that place he would run off to. That place in who knows where and eventually come back. He always did it after something bad happened. Like after L'manburg was blown up by wilbur? Or whatever." Quackity had forgotten about that. Sapnap was right, it probably happened about 7 times. This would be the eighth time.

It had been over 3 hours since they decided it'd be ok to go back to Quackity's country. Schlatt fell asleep on the floor and Sapnap had decided to head back to the guest room to wait for Karl. Quackity decided to do some extra paperwork, take his mind off of everything. After all, he still had a country to run and he couldn't worry too much right now, he had a grand opening to plan. Meanwhile, Charlie had snuck to the balcony, holding a rose. He looked upon the country, despite everything it was still his home. Dream had built a small dirt shack near the ruins of an old colosseum. Charlie was on the side of the balcony where Quackity would not be able to see him, he knew that if Quackity saw him, he wouldn't be very happy. Charlie knew that Quackity would warm back up, especially after he helped big Q more but for now he would stay out of sight. He hummed to himself while watching, sucking the life from the rose. He sat after a while, the calm before the storm, he thought. It was nice, no rain, just the soft sounds from the country. Charlie poked his head around the corner slightly to see Quackity looking stressed. Quackity got up and sat next to Jschlatt, holding a shot glass. Charlie felt bad for Quackity. He felt like Quackity was just falling back into relationships that would inevitably fail and he didn't like seeing his friend like that. Quackity had fallen asleep next to Schlatt, and Charlie went back to the edge of the balcony and had gotten another flower.

Charlie mainly got his energy and lifespan this way. He had to after all, it kept him alive. And with Dream on his side there was no way he could fail, or die. With Dream on his side he wouldn't be able to go to prison, he could help his best friend for the first time in what felt like centuries. Right? It wasn't long after Quackity fell asleep that Charlie could feel something, something big. A large amount of energy was heading toward Las Nevadas. A god was coming, a god of creation, and someone, or something with it. Charlie looked at Quackity through the window. Despite their terms not being the best he had to do something. "QUACKITY FROM LAS NAVADAS!" He yelled as he ran back inside. "Wake up! Wake up! We gotta go now!"  "H-huh? SLIME?! wait what? What are you doing here? And- woah woah calm down. What's happening?" "Something is coming. Something big. I- I can't describe what it is exactly but, it can't be good." "Slime hey, it's going to be alright. Is it dream?" "No, it's energy is much bigger."  "Energy? What- never mind. Remember those lessons I taught you a while back?" "Uhh yea?"  "Well now’s a good of time as ever to say, let's hold our


Energy loss (Villian Charlie slimesiccle AU) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें