T H R E E ∘ Threat

Start from the beginning

That's when it hit me: Klaus.

He knows tons of witches. His own sister, my beloved friend Freya, was the most powerful witch I'd ever known.

But I'd betrayed her. Betrayed them all.

She would have every reason to do this. And she wouldn't even need help from other witches. She'd be able to take me down with this all on her own.

I slammed the journal shut, shoved it in my bag, and hopped out of the truck.

I didn't even get to the door before someone spoke to me.

"Hi! Are you new here?" A boy who was three inches taller than me and had shiny black hair caught up to me atop the steps.

I chuckled. "Is it that obvious?"

"Kinda. I'm Ben Cheney." He held out his hand to shake mine.

"I'm Bella. Coach Vincent's sister."

"Oh, wow. I didn't know he had any family."

"Yeah, this is my first time here."

"Well, it's a pretty nice place. If you need a lunch date, my girlfriend and our friends have an open seat that you're welcome to."

"I just might take you up on that. Thank you."

"No problem. See you around, Bella. Welcome to Forks High."

I smiled at him as he walked away. He seemed genuinely welcoming. I hoped his friends were, too. I didn't need drama at my place of distraction.

My first four classes passed pretty quickly. I walked into the cafeteria with no intention of eating.

"Bella!" I saw Ben waving me over, then patted the space next to him for me to sit. "Guys, this is Bella Vincent, a new student. She's the coach's sister."

"Hi." I looked at each of them briefly.

"This is my girlfriend, Angela. This is my best friend, Austin, and this is Eric, Mike, and Jessica."

"You're Vincent's sister?" Jessica narrowed her eyes. "I guess I kinda see the resemblance. How old are you?"

"Nineteen." I laughed internally at the resemblance part. "Thanks for letting me sit here. I was worried I'd have to awkwardly walk around the school during lunch."

"Of course," Angela exclaimed. "Aren't you gonna get something to eat?"

I shook my head. "Not hungry." Not for this, anyway. I'll get someone on the way to class.

I felt several pairs of eyes on my back and faced them. It was a group of five sitting with untouched food on their trays.

The first was a beautiful blonde, and next to her was a vastly-muscled guy. On the other side of him was a tall, lean boy with shaggy blonde hair, who had his arm around a small girl with dark spikes on her head. The last was a guy with bronze hair that almost looked red.

My eyes were perceptive to the more minor details. They all looked the same but distinctly different. Something about them reminded me of the doctor I met at the hospital.

I turned back to my table and whispered to Ben, "Who are they?"

He didn't look surprised by the question. "The Cullens. Their adoptive father is an amazing doctor at the hospital, and everyone there says they're grateful his wife wanted to move to a small town. They kind of keep to themselves, but they're really polite. And they're all together."

They're dating their adoptive siblings? Is not that strange in this place? I know they're not bound by blood, but... still.

"On the left is Rosalie Hale," he continued. "Then Emmett Cullen. They're together. Then there's Jasper Hale, who's with Alice Cullen. He and Rose are twins. Then next to Alice is Edward Cullen, who isn't with anybody."

Swan Diaries (crossover between Twilight and The Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now