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One week later...

I don't know how but I stayed clean for a whole week and that means I can go to college again and escape this thoughts for a short time I will se my friends again I will see Harry again

We were in the car  nearly there in the M.I.T when dad stopped it he looked at me

"I have to tell you something" he said

"what? I asked confused what happened? What does this mean?

"your friend Ned..."

"what is with him?" I asked

"Pete he is  dead" he said no this can't be true not him no


"Flash..." dad said

I interrupted him

"but the bodyguards you said they have bodyguards! I shouted at him

"look I'm sorry kid but the college didn't allowed it" he said

flash wasn't joking he would kill all I love he was serious I can't believe he killed Ned this just can't be real

"when did this happened?" I asked

"3 days ago..." he said

"3 DAYS AGO??? My other friends could be dead too and you only tell me that now? Are we going to college or was this just some lie!" I yelled at him

I was angry at him why did he told me that only now? Why? Mj and harry,even he could have died till now but he just kept for 3 fucking days that he is dead

"we are going to get you friends out" he sighed  at least he can protect them I hope

"sorry for yelling and shouting" I said

"I unterstand that" he said and began to drive again

We were at Harry's room we picked mj up already he opened the door. And then I saw his face he had a black eye a cut on the face and his nose wouldn't stop bleeding the cut was fresh so it had to be from today

"who-when-what happened?" I asked

"flash like one hour ago tried to kill me you have too see him" he said laughing but I couldn't laugh flash beated him up I couldn't laugh at that flash tried to kill him and it's all just my fucking fault

Yeah it is
It's your fault Ned is dead
It's your fault Harry got hurt
You just had to kept your mouth shut and none of this would have happened
But you couldn't
You're were to weak
You're a bad friend

The voice was right  It's  all my fault it's my fault Ned is dead and Harry got hurt if I just didn't told anyone what flash did to me none of this would have happend

"I wish he would let your all in peace and would take me instead" I said

"Peter don't say that"Harry said

"Buts it's true" I said

"we have to go now" dad interrupted Harry nodded and we left the college driving home I hope they are save from him here. There is no way flash would go in here right? I just can hope nothing more

I just want them to be alive and happy flash ruined my life I won't let that happen to anyone else. I'm  stupid for telling them flash told me what he would do and I just told them anyway.

Depressed Peter parkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora