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Tw: trying to commit sucide

When I searched for Ned I saw some person I thought I wouldn't see anymore I just can hope he doesn't remeber me it was flash and I think he saw me

"Hey!Penis Parker!" he shouted at me and walked my way

Great even he knows who I am at least he doesn't know I'm Spider-Man

"What do you want flash?" I asked annoyed

I didn't had time for his shit I thought he grew up at it but it seemed likes he is still the old flash

"You're here they let you in into the M.I.T?"

"Yes they let me in" I said walked away I didn't heard what he shouted at me and I didn't care i just hope He don't follow me

I saw Ned I walked towards him okay this was easy

"Hey uhm" I began

Ned turned around and I think he recognized me

"Peter?" He asked

Okay that's  weird I should go to Dr strange. They shouldn't know me. But what if Dr stange doesn't remember me? I just let it be how it is for now.

"You remember me? I asked

"Of course I do"

Well then my work here  is done

"Oh uhm okay cool"  I ran away to my room Harry was in there I jumped in my bed

"What the hell happened to you?" He asked

"I meet people" I said and hoped it was a good anweser for him I didn't wanted to talk about it
He was nice but there are some things he shouldn't know

I just wanted To feel... I went to the bathroom and was searching for a razor or anything sharp enough to cut my skin. I know I shouldn't do it but it just felt so good. But harry...He will be mad

You deserve it anyway
You deserve the pain
You deserved what flash was doing to you all this years
You're a burden to everyone
Just kill yourself

I was near tears I found my blade and hold it against my wrist

What are you waiting for?
Cut yourself
Or even better
Kill yourself !

This thought were right I derserved to be bullied by flash I deserved the pain  and I am a burden to everyone they all have to worry about me so I guess if I'm not here anymore they have something less to worry about

I cut my wirst deeper than last time and then I did the same on the other one I felt dizzy soon after I did that

I heard a Knock of the door

"Peter?" Harry asked and I panicked shit shit
I put tissues on the wound at the hope it will help Harry kicked down the door he saw me sitting on the floor blood drips out of my wrist and I felt like I pass out every second

"Peter? Stay with me okay? I will call an ambulance"
He hold his phone out and called an ambulance he came to me and hold me in his arms
"It will be okay...You will be okay you" I could see he was near on tears I felt bad I hurted Harry stupid me

"Harry? I don't feel so good" I said and passed out

Depressed Peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now