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**Mature Content Ahead**

Larry's POV:

I watched as Laurent slept peaceful and content, something he hasn't done in the last few days since we returned from our to short vacation.

He knew I was making excuses about spending time with him before and after our workshops or meetings, but it was because I had planned for us to come here, here the place where I figured out if I didn't straighten up I would lose my brother forever.

Sighing I snuggled closer in Laurent as I could and just laid quietly on his chest as he slept. Listening to the soft rhythm of his heartbeat and the calmness if our room kept trying to pull me back to sleep, but I fought it.

I wanted to be awake when Laurent woke up.

I wanted to be here in bed, when he finally opened his eyes so he knew I was still here.

I wanted him to know I hadn't left him.

I sighed once again as Laurent stirred but didn't wake up.

Smiling I laid quietly cuddled up next to my love as he slept.

Unfortunately at some point I ended up falling asleep or I was so engrossed with Laurent's steady calm heartbeat I zoned out, either way Laurent's tender kisses brought me back to the present.

"Morning love". Laurent said between his kisses. I smiled and kissed him back, while wishing him a good morning too.

'Morning baby'. I said.

"You hungry"? Laurent asked me with his gravely sexy morning voice causing goosebumps to erupt all over me and my c*ck to twitch.

'Yes'. I answered. 'But not for food'. I told him breathlessly.

Laurent chuckled, wrapping his strong arms around me bringing me closer to him than I already am if that is even possible.

I felt Laurent's already hard c*ck rub against my still naked body causing me to moan softly.

"Is my baby horny"? Laurent asked me, chuckling again. I just nodded my head against his chest not really answering him.

In truth my mind kept replaying everything we did while we were on our impromptu vacation. It truly was the best unplanned vacation I had ever had and I didn't want it to end, but unfortunately we have responsibilities and contracts to fulfill. I sighed again just thinking of our stress less time together.

"Larry what's wrong"? Laurent asked me. I laid on his chest confused for a moment, then realized I must've sighed louder than I intended to. I felt Laurent unwrapping his arms from around me and realized I hadn't answered him yet. I squeezed him tightly refusing to let him go and finally answered his question.

'Nothing's wrong'. 'I was just thinking about our time together back in Washington'. I told him.

"It was fun wasn't it"? "Just being able to relax and cuddle the day away without a care in the world". Laurent said. I could the happiness in his voice as he spoke.

'We should do it more often'. I told him. I felt him nodding his head in approval.

Laurent and I laid cuddled up on our hotel bed, just holding each other and talking about nothing and everything all day and throughout some of the night only breaking apart to answer the door for our room service and phone calls from whomever it was that called.

It had been so long since either one of us had felt this peaceful that we didn't want to let each other go.

'Laurent'. I called him gaining his attention.

"Hmm". He answered.

'Let's shower'. I told him.

"No". He answered playfully. I chuckled at him and began to climb off the bed, but Laurent grabbed me, pulling me close to him once again.

'Laurent'. Was all I got out before Laurent had his soft tender lips on mine.

"No". Laurent said after every kiss.

'We need to clean up'. I told him between our kisses.

"No". "We are not dirty enough yet". "Let me make you more dirty Larry". He said nipping at my lips and neck.

'Okay'. I simply replied.

Wrapping my arms around Laurent as he laid on top of me gently.

Our c*cks rubbed against each other with every kiss, nip and lick, sending electric shock wave after shock wave throughout me.

'Laurent please'. I begged opening my legs further apart.

"Please what"? He asked.

'Laurent don't tease me'. 'I want you'. 'I need you buried deep inside me'. I gritted out softly through my teeth as a moan escaped my lips.

"Larry you don't have to beg". "I am yours always". Laurent said attacking my lips with a feverish kiss leaving us both breathless.

'O F**K'. I moaned out. My steel hard c*ck buried deep in Laurent's warm and welcoming throat.


'O Sh*t', Laurent'.

'Laurent please'.

'I'm gonna c****m'. I moaned out exploding my warm seed in his mouth.

'More Laurent'. I begged.

"Baby I need to prepare you first". Laurent said chuckling.

'No Laurent, I can't wait, please'. I whimpered thrusting my already growing c*ck against him.

"So impatient". Laurent said running his hands up and down my pulsating c*ck while pumping two fingers in out of my trembling a$$.

'Laurent'. I moaned

"You ready baby"? Laurent asked teasingly, licking up my c*m that dribbled out if his mouth. The sight was enough to make me instantly hard, I always cam again.

'F**K YES'. I gritted out thrust my a$$ against Laurent's fingers.

"Okay baby". Laurent said removing his fingers from my a$$. I whimpered missing the feel of them inside me. I sighed contently, but growl as I felt Laurent slide inside me so painfully slow. Laurent just chuckled thrusting in my faster.

'O sh*t Laurent'. 'Faster'. I panted.

Laurent picked up his pace, placing my legs around his waist, burying his self deeper and faster inside me. My eyes rolled in the back of my head.

With every deep thrust I felt like I was being attacked by an electric current.

"F**K Larry". "You feel so f**king good, against my c*ck". He moaned.

"I'm gonna c*m". He moaned out, grabbing my c*ck, stocking me in rhythm with his brutally beautiful thrusting.

'Laurent'. I moaned out

"C*m". Laurent moaned out.

'O F**K'. I moaned exploding on his hand and our chests followed by Laurent exploding inside me.


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