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Laurent's POV:

After I arrived back in Paris I was instantly met with Rubix. He was the only one that knew what day I was coming back.

Not that I needed to hide I was coming back especially since my mama already told Larry but I didn't want to deal with the rest of the crew and my family asking questions about me and Larry.

I wasn't plan on staying more than a week with my mama before I reluctantly had to start the Juste Debout judge demos.

Don't get me wrong I love what I do and even if Larry and I are fighting I still do my job. It's just every time I try to take a break and think something else is scheduled.

Can you believe that you can be so busy to actually need to schedule a break just to think?

Rubix tapped me on my shoulder bringing me out of my rambling mind. I smiled softly thanked him and walked up to mama's front door.

I know, I know, what your thinking. Your thinking why are you just standing there instead of knocking or just walking in? Well to tell you the truth if I know Larry as well as I think I do. I know that he had slept in my bed which means my bedding will smell like him. And as much as I love his scent it only stirs things inside me.

I hate how much he affects me.

Taking a deep breath I finally knocked on the door. Shortly after my sister opened not looking to happy to see me.

Ignoring her stare I walk into the house, finding mama in the kitchen. (one of her favorite rooms) I walked up behind her, hugging her. Hi mama, I told her before letting her go. She too doesn't seem to be happy to see me either.

I wonder what happened? I thought to myself but didn't voice out my thoughts. I stare at mama for a bit before leaving the kitchen heading up to Larry and I's room.

Just as I thought my bedding although freshly washed still smelt like Larry. My heart raced and my cheeks flushed at the thought of him sprawled out on my bed naked.

F**k...I groaned inward feeling my member grow between my legs. I haven't thought of Larry in that way in a long while and I thought I was finally over us.

I guess you can truly never be over your soulmate.

Sighing I avoided laying on my bed and laid on Larry's instead. His bedding smelt freshly washed also except it lacked Larry's cologne.

I crawled under his covers and quickly found sleep. Of course my dreams were filled with him like always. Especially whenever I slept in his bed or we slept in the same bed. Thankfully my dreams consist of happier non sexual dreams.

Happy and healthy brotherly love dreams filled my sorrowed filled heart, healing it slowly.

I woke up the next morning feeling more relaxed and rested than I had in the last couple of months. It's strange how coming home always seemed to relax me.

After showering and getting dressed I met mama in the kitchen. I stood at the door and watched as she sung and dance around the kitchen while she cooked breakfast.

Memories of Larry and I dancing and singing around our kitchen while he cooked and I watched, made me both happy and sad.

Will we ever get back there again?

Is this truly it for us?

Sighing trying to keep those unanswered question from running through my head. I decided after I visited the house and put it together I wasn't going to continue to ignore Larry.

Eventually we will be okay.

We will be able to be around each other without avoiding each other.

'Laurent'. I heard my mama call me bringing me out of my train of thoughts.

'Yea'? I asked questionly

'Breakfast is ready'. She told me walking towards the table. I nodded towards her grabbing a plate.

I missed my mamas cooking.

Actually I miss my mama, her cooking is just a bonus.

I smiled happily at her as we ate, conversing about what? Larry of course.

She asked several times what's wrong with us both. I couldn't tell her the truth, well not the whole truth so I told her a little lie. Well not really a lie it is part truth. I told her we are fighting, (which we are) and just shrugged my shoulders.

I'm not sure what Larry had told her while he was here visiting her. I hope he told her the same thing or something close to it.

The one thing I hate the most is lying to my mama but some times it's necessary to protect her.

After breakfast I helped her clean up the kitchen and we just sat around talking about our family and my crew.

She knows of my crew members, they love her and she loves them. She calls them her 'extra' kids.

Time pasted by quickly and before we knew it, it was time for bed. Tomorrow I'm taking her out, for shopping and maybe lunch.

As I climbed the stairs heading to Larry and I's room when my mamas phone rang. I knew instantly who it was without even asking her. This phone call makes the fourth call today he has made.

The first two I left the room while she talked to him, the third one we were eating dinner, so I heard her side of the conversation. And now of course this one I can hear both sides because I'm walking up the stairs with mama.

I heard Larry's hurt voice mumble on the other end of the call. I hate hearing his hurt and weak voice. No matter how pi$$ed I am at him I never wanted to hear his pain.

Yes I know it's not just because of him why he is hurt it is also because of me, but I have tried to blame everything all on Larry but in truth it is because of both of us.

Mainly because of him and how he handled his side of our break up, but I am to blame too I didn't take it well and after a very long talk to a close friend and my coach I realized I needed to also take some of the blame.

Since then I have decided after visiting mama that I was finally going to sit down with Larry and work everything out between us.

We can't keep going on like this. It doesn't just affect the both of us, but also our family, our crew and our fans.

Sighing after I heard my mama tell Larry good night I hugged her and headed towards my bedroom.

Tomorrow I'll call him.

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