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I been calling his f**king name as soon as I opened the door to our ridiculously large nineteen bedroom house. Yes thats right nineteen bedrooms. Why you may ask why our house is so large with this many rooms and just as many bathrooms?

Well it's because whatever Larry wants, Larry always gets hence this stupidly extra large house. His claim of wanting something so big instead of a small three or four bedroom house. Was because he said and I quote "Us family needs to be able to sleep in their own room when they come to visit" End of quote.

Like really when in the hell is our mom, and all our brothers, sisters, neices and nephews going to come and visit us all at once?

Anyways here I am walking in and out of the rooms on the first floor of this house calling out Larry's name. I know he's here I just got off the phone with him not more than five minutes ago or so.

He was supposed to meet me down here in the living room but of course he's not here. So now I'm walking around the house looking for my f**king brother. I swear sometimes he just likes to pi$$ me off.

After checking the first floor without any sight or sound from Larry I walked up the stairs to the second floor. Hoping he's here in one of these rooms. But once again walking in and out of every room calling his name, still receiving no answer from him.

Feeling frustrated I walked up to the third floor hoping he's in either in our  princesses room getting it ready for her visit in a few days or his room getting ready so we can leave.

As I walked towards the three rooms at the left side of the hall heading towards Lilos room first hoping this is where I will find Larry. He goes into her room at least once a day. I know it's because he misses her and thank goodness she will be here in two days to spend almost a full month with us.

As I walked into her room fully excepting to find Larry cleaning it and getting it ready for her arrival. But yet once again I found no trace of him. Where the f**k is he? I asked myself frustratingly.

At this point I actually felt like giving up on looking for him, but on this floor there is only four rooms. Three of them on the left side of the hall one belonging to Lilo, one belonging to Larry and the third a medium sized bathroom that sat in between their two rooms.

On the right side of the hall is my room. It's actually the biggest room in the whole house including the living room and kitchen. After much arguing about this house I finally gave into Larry and agreed to getting this house but only if I got the master bedroom, which has it's own bathroom. He finally yet reluctantly agreed after I reminded him that the only reason Lilos room was on our floor was so he could be closer to her.

I walked out of Lilos room heading towards Larry's room, but stopped abruptly in the hallway next to the bathroom. The door was slightly opened. But it was opened just enough where I could see Larry leisurely leaning over the bathroom cabinet looking at his self in the bathroom mirror in just a pair of pure white boxers that are hanging dangerously low off his hip.

The sight of him made my mouth water and my manhood to wake up twitching in my now way to tight jeans.

F**k if he wasn't breathtaking. Memories of Larry and I's pasted started flooding in my mind. Our pleasurablely painful memories. Memories that both brings pride and pain to my heart. Memories that I wish I could forget, but am glad I can't.

I felt warm tears run down my cheeks at the last memory flooded in my mind. The last time I was truly happy moments before my world came crashing down on me. Breaking my heart into microsized pieces.

I wanted to watch the beautiful body before me as he laid across the cabinet until my dying breath but I knew it would only cause me more pain. So I silently walked as quietly as I could towards my room in hopes Larry hadn't seen me.

I knew the day he told me we had to stop our relationship it would be hard and heartbreaking I just didn't know it would hurt this much.


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