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Laurent's POV:

It was hard and very painful to give Larry exactly what he deserved, but I managed to do it even if it caused me pain too.

Everyone knows I would hurt myself rather than hurt Larry, but I just can't be his rebound, his second option anymore. Yes I do want a family and yes Larry and I had long, very, very long talks about us having a family. But I guess he didn't understand when I said "us"  I meant us to have a family.

I don't want to have babies with any of my girlfits, what I wanted was us to adopt our babies, but once again Larry only heard half of what I had said. After a stressful sleepless night it was time for the full day of workshops and cyphers.

Thank goodness we are going to have some of our crew with us to help us out. Rubix was meeting me in the lobby, when I was finally dressed I left my hotel room after grabbing my phone, wallet and hotel key.

I hate when our crew gets put in the middle of Larry and I's fighting. Thankfully by now they learned it was best not to interfere while we were arguing, fighting or ignoring each other.

Rubix was alone in the lobby when I got out the elevator. I noticed he looked a little tense. I wanted to ask why but I didn't, figuring if he wanted to say something to me he would. The ride to the first workshop was long and extremely quiet, which is so unlike either Rubix or I. So I finally broke down and ask him what was bothering him.

He didn't say anything just shrugged his shoulders towards me which is also something he normally doesn't do. I stared at him for a while trying to figure out what was going on with him. He's not as easy to read as Larry is for obvious reasons, but I could still read him a little. Just not this time, maybe it's girl issues. I shrugged not wanting push him into answering me.

When we made it to the first workshop Larry and a few other crew members were already there setting everything up. Surprising the fans that Larry was on time and I was late. I gave Rubix my iPad and headed towards Larry for the open speech, and thanking them for joining us today.

The workshop seemed to drag on forever, Larry not wanting to stop the cypher. Finally after about four hours we had a quick meet and greet with the fans and afterwards headed to the next workshop and cypher. The second one went by rather quickly but the third was just as long and slow as the first one.

By the time we were done for the day we were tired and hungry. I invited our crew to go out to eat with us which they happily excepted.

Even though I didn't verbally invite Larry but he knew he had an open invitation. He was pi$$ed because I didn't verbally invite him I could tell but he came along anyways.

You are probably wondering why I didn't verbally invite him. Well first off it's not because of the talk we had, had the night before. It's not even because of the attitude he had been giving me all day during the workshops, not it was neither of those reasons. The real reason was because (unless Larry changed the rule) we gave each other an open invitation to be invited no matter where either one of us was going. I'm not sure if the rules have changed for Larry but they hadn't for me, at least not yet anyway.

Just like when we went to the workshops Larry rode with crew in one vehicle and Rubix and I rode in another vehicle to the restaurant. Once we all got inside and was seated, and the waiter came and took our orders, and left we began talking about random stuff. I noticed Rubix was in a much happier mood than he was earlier. And even though Larry and I was hardly talking to each other the conversation was flowing smoothly around the table.

Not sure how long we had been talking before the waiter came back with our meals and drink refills. We talked, ate and drank (nothing alcoholic) for a good two hours before calling it a night. The crew including Rubix decided to take one vehicle back home beings we were still staying at the hotel.

Larry and I took the other vehicle back to our hotel. The ride just like the one earlier with Rubix was extremely quiet, but instead of asking Larry what was wrong like I did Rubix I just ignored it. I already knew why Larry was quiet and instead of starting an argument between us I chose not to ask anything and stare out the vehicles windows until we made it back to our hotel, that for some reason seemed a lot longer than earlier today when I left the hotel.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity we pulled up in front of the hotel. After paying the driver I got out thanking the driver for the ride and walked inside without waiting for Larry. Sometimes his stubbornness can get the best of him. Shaking my head I walked into the elevator pushing the button to head up to my floor.

I zoned out not realizing I had already reached my floor. A lady on the elevator (that I hadn't noticed before) tapped my shoulder telling me we had reached my floor. Thanking her I got off and headed towards my hotel room. I need a long hot shower and sleep, especially sleep.

Sleep, something I hadn't got much of the last couple weeks and it's beginning to effect me. Unlocking my hotel room, I headed straight to the bathroom for a much needed shower. Sighing as the boiling hot water beating on my sore body relaxing me a little. I stayed under the water till it began to run cold.

Getting out of the shower and turning off the water I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist and one on my shoulders to catch the water droplets from my hair.

Before I had a chance to get dressed there was a knock at my door. I thought it was Larry at my door so I only put on a pair if boxers before answering the door. But man do I wish I was dressed as I stared at the person on the other side of my door.

F**k!! I gritted out softly so she couldn't hear it. She stared at me confused before asking the one question I didn't want her to ask.

'I thought this was Larry's room, where is his room'? She said, asked. Ignoring her I closed the door in her face locking it and headed back to the bedroom to get dressed. She continued to knock on the door but I drowned it out by putting my ear buds in my ears and turned the music up a little to loud for my ears, but at the moment I didn't care. She will eventually give up or maybe someone would complain and have her removed from the hotel all together. Somewhere between cursing Larry's stupidity and the loud music blaring in my ears I managed to fall asleep.

I hope tomorrow turns out better than it was today.

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