Start from the beginning

"All right then, I order you to take a few days off. Rest your minds and your bodies. Dismissed!" as everyone bowed once to Godaime and began leaving, Y/N clutched the back of my shoulder before planting her other foot to the ground. I looked at her confused but did not question as to why she was secretly insisting an audience. Yamato had paused on the doorway, gesturing whether or not to wait for us. Looking at the seriousness of the situation, I turned my head to the ex-Anbu and politely shook my head. On que, the door was closed and silence engulfed us once more, this time with more mystery and anticipation.

"Dismissed means you have permission to leave"

"I have something to say"

"Then why not say it when we were discussing the mission? I have other important works as well" the leader huffed irritated. I could understand why she seemed in a hurry, judging from the piles of unopened boxes at the corner of the office, she had many other missions and papers to go through. There were at least eighteen stacks to go through and that would require a minimum of nine hours, if she read them non-stop.

"Because I did not want to create unnecessary speculation amongst the team"

"Thinking like a shinobi already" Tsunade-sama smirked, "I think a promotion will soon be on the way. Come now, don't delay. Speak!"

"It's about who attacked me"

"You remember?" I asked; my eagerness soared through the ceiling. We were finally going to learn who had been targeting my wife, if it was indeed the same person.

"I remember who attacked me but... I don't know him. He said I should and I- I don't know"

"Who was it?"

"Osoroshii Hinode. He said I should remember him. He laughed and then he wanted to fight me. I can't seem to understand why he targeted me but from the way he separated the team, I guess he just wanted to pass a message"

"What message?"

"He said..." Y/N paused and I felt shivers run through her body, "he said... he- well... I-I ~"

"Out with it!" Godaime ordered, startling the babbling mess I was holding.

"He wanted Kakashi to know that it was him!" she squeaked like a mouse at our leader's unstable temper, "Osoroshii said that he killed the babies. It was him who murdered Kakashi's children and that he... he enjoyed it" as the words slipped from her mouth, my palms turned clammy. Y/N's body swayed and at the loss of my support, she decided to grab the desk ahead and keep steady. I felt my mind dissociate from reality, centering on what was revealed. An abominable rage outgrew patience and reasoning; he was there. The man who had murdered my precious children, robbed me off a beautiful life and now, seemingly targeting Y/N was closer to me and I had been busy fighting Kakuzu. He didn't want to miss the prospect; he used my own wife to reveal his identity. The mother of our children had now the identity of the murderer but only I felt the wrath. All I could feel was rage, an intense raw emotion of guilt, anger, bloodlust. I should have had his head for daring to come near my wife. The audacity to use daggers on her, sending the bloodied body back to me in mockery.

"Kakashi" I looked at Tsunade-sama whose eyes were now dangerously narrowed, she had risen from her chair with body leaned towards me, "I don't think activating Mangekyo Sharingan in front of me is a wise decision. Calm down"

"The killer ~"

"We will go through our records and try finding out this Hinode... But I need you to remain calm if we are to discuss this culprit" my eyes casted to the ground; I wished I had better control but how was one supposed to retain their sense of reasoning in this situation? How could I ever forget the pain of losing my children? In what ways was it just for people to ask me to remain calm? My daughters left this world without even breathing its air but Osoroshii was out there, breathing, laughing, mocking me... he had enjoyed taking away what I had dreamed for years.

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