Chapter 16 - Truth

Start from the beginning

"Listen to me Rosy" Mr Wilson quickly got up from his seat and sat next to me.

My throat is dry and I can't stop the tears "it's never easy to accept the hard truth but you have to and you have to stay damn strong right now Rosy" he pats my head and I nodded subconsciously.

"Look at me" he snaps me out of my daze "they're going to try to kill your if they don't get what they want till your 18th birthday" he looks me with worry and I feel like throwing up.

"Mom left you something before she died, a pocket knife" he says and I frown at him. He must know what my expression means because he explains further "it's the family heirloom, it's a key. A literal key" I shake my head.

That's what they were looking for the other night. That's why mom stopped me so Judith can roam through my room and look for it.

"I think their plan has already started Mr Wilson" I gave him a horrified look and he pulls back swallowing hard.

"Call me Adam, Rosy" he forms a small smile which he quickly wiped away.

"Your real dad and I were twins but Raymond was adopted by mom when we were 8. He was older by 2 years. He never liked anyone in the family even though he was treated with so much love. He was wild and free and had bad influence to top it off. We got older and he got more distant. We didn't think much of it but he had very bad plans for the family. Mom was in the rich category, I'm sure you figured that out since you had a little time with her, he wanted he wealth. Mom had made her will the moment you were born. At that time, he'd left home and gotten married to Karen, when they came back, they had a two year old son and a daughter just a few days older than you"

"Judith" I voice out exasperated

"Yes. He claimed the will and says he's the oldest and should rightfully have everything even though he was adopted and never behaved like a son. He did everything to get those papers but mom was smart and hid everything in a box and locked it with a special key"

"The knife" then it clicked. The reason why I'm still alive and under their care.

"Yes. The knife. Notice your houses?"

I nod and shift in my seat a little, trying to grasp this all at once.

"They built the same houses for their future kids" he lets out a small laugh "we had to even attend an opening party. It lasted 2 days" he puts up his fingers.

"You were just a tiny little thing. I would hold you any chance I got. Since you're mom and I were redheads everyone thought I was the dad anytime I held you but you looked too much like your parents. They loved you Rosy" he wiped a tear and I sub uncontrollably.

"James was in town a few days after the opening parties. Felix was only 1 by then. He took him out to spend time with him before he had to move and I took you even though you were just a few months old. You should've seen the way your parents were glaring at me before we left" he laughs again and wiped the fallen tears on his face.

"We had a picnic. James and I looked like young singles dads and got stares from ladies at the pack. It was amusing really"

A smile made its way to my face at his memory.

"Unfortunately.." my smile drops

"When we came back, their house was in ashes along with your parents and Felix's" we were both sobbing at this point. My heart was racing, fingers shaking and throat dry.

"They were gone, only their bones were found and that's how we knew it was them. Mom was out to finalise the will, she passed out and was unconscious for days after the incident. She took you away but Raymond found out about who the will belonged to and threatened to kill you if mom didn't give you to him. I her that I'll take care of you, that I'll raise like my own but she refused and went to London with Raymond and his family. Mom was with you all the time till they got rid of her, slowly poisoning her without even realising it" a loud gasp left my mouth as fresh tears roll down my face.

"She died without a single trace of evidence of poisoning. I don't know how they did it but they're not good people"

"The whole situation is complicated Rosy. Mom had left the restoration of the house to me and I did as she asked. I built the house again. The exact same way it was and made sure no one got to live their till you came back. James moved a few years after the incident and with Felix but came back when he heard Raymond was in the country and settled in the house his brother left behind and took care of it. Everything belongs to you two. Those houses as well as your parents wealth belongs to you and Felix as per law and the wills your parents left" he had a determined look on his face.

"James became a lawyer so he would protect your rights till you came of age. I'm sure Felix knows about that but if not I'm sure James is waiting for the right time to tell him"

"But- why aren't they in prison for committing all those crimes?" I wanted them to pay for what they've done.

"They clean up. So much we have no proof that they did it except for the confession they made. I've looked for even a single clue or evidence but I couldn't find any" he had a faraway look on his face by the time he was done.

"I have to go" I stood up with dried tears on my face and walked to the door.

"Rosy you need to be very careful around those people. They will do anything to get what they want. So please don't let them know you're on to them" he hugged me before patting my head as I nod with a small smile.

"Okay uncle" he smiles widely and nods.

End of flashback

"It's really true then" I manage to finally speak after hearing James' side of the story.

Everything Uncle Adam said was the truth.

"Our parents were murdered" Felix breathed out with a clenched fist under the table.

"If you want to get justice, you need evidence that they are responsible for everything" James added.

"Or a video confession" I mumble but loud enough for them to hear "that'll put them behind bars right?" I ask eagerly as an idea was forming in my head.

"Yes. That will be a enough to put them away for a long time" I looked at Felix to see him already looking at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes not leaving mine.

With new found determination, I nod "I'm fine".

"What do we need to do James?" I turn to ask him and we spend the rest of the day making our plans.

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