Chapter 2: Planet of the Gods: Part 1

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Captain Kaizo is currently in his spaceship, heading to planet Earth to escort his brother's friends to the planet of the Gods. He has been to this certain planet a lot of times, most of those times has been because of a personal reason but he has still been there non the less. 

Captain then opens his watch's hologram to open a picture, he similes at the said picture before him, remembering how this picture came to be in the first place.
He was about to go to another picture but then his alarm went off meaning that he is arriving at earth, he sighs, and closes the picture and continues to work on getting the ship ready.

At boboiboy's house, Boboiboy was finally done getting his bag ready and is now calling his friends, asking them if they too are ready for Captain Kaizo arrival.

"Are you sure, fang, that he will come today?", Ying asked him, again.

To which fang replied, again, with a yes and started to explain why.
"Captain always like to be early to missions, especially with these kinds of missions, so yeah he IS coming today". Fang made it sure it was final.

Ying sigh then nodded, understanding that fang knew captain the best therefore knew when he will come, which was unfortunately was today.

So this leads us to current reality, all 5 friends on a zoom call, with 4(really all of them) mentally preparing themselves for the most feared Captain on the whole galaxy.

"Let's all meet at Tok aba's shop later at 4:00 pm, got it everyone?" Boboiboy told them to which all of them replied with a yes or a nod of the head.

The call ended just after that.

Boboiboy then took his bag and ran out of his room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen out of the house without first making a note for his grandfather, saying that he might be leaving today and will be at the shop, after that he took off to the direction of his grandfather's shop.

Let us now go see what the other 4 were doing.

Ying was about to finish packing, making sure to double check if she had packed her tablet since that has the details of the mission.

Ying then rush out of her house, not without saying goodbye to her mother, and straight to the shop.

With Yaya, she finished packing an hour ago and is now just about to leave the house too.

Gopal was well...... trying to pack more food in his bag before leaving the house.

Fang was already there since he had to make sure the spaceship was in working condition and was now waiting for the others to arrive.

Ying was the first one to arrive at the shop, she sat down on one of the chairs, reading down her notes for the mission.

Yaya came second, flying to the shop and setting down her bags on the floor of the shop and too Reading her notes and the mission information.

Then there was gopal, running straight to his seat and eat some more, all the others just sigh at their friend. Now they just have to wait on boboiboy and ochobot.

Now back to Boboiboy and ochobot, both of them are running as fast as they can to hurry up to the shop so they cannot be late but it was still worthless anyway since by the time they got there, everyone was there already and waiting for him and ochobot.
So they 4, just give the both of them a deadpan expression , to which boboiboy just laughs and ochobot points at him.

"it's boboiboy's fault at most, since he forgot where he put his bag!", ochobot points at him and boboiboy just turn his head to ochobot and started to defend himself.

"Hey! It's not my fault i could not find it easily!" Boboiboy explained to them, "That's exactly why!" Ochobot yelled back at him, boboiboy just laugh to the side while the others just sweatdropped at his antics.
So both boboiboy and ochobot sat down (in ochobot's case, he just hovered or floated) on their sits.

The gang talked about their mission (gopal just listens to the conversation and eat) until boboiboy decided to bring up a thought he thought of when coming here,  so he brought it up to the group.

"Hey guys" boboiboy tells them's to which all of them stops talking and listens to their leader, "I was thinking about something", and ying asks him "about what boboiboy?", boboiboy then continues to speak. 

"Well i was thinking about something i read last night while doing some light reading for the mission" boboiboy looks around, seeing all of them nod means that they are listening so he continues, "from what i know, i read that Captain Kaizo has been the only other person to visit the planet multiple times since it was discovered, is that true fang?" boboiboy looks over to fang. 

"i myself have not been to this planet yet, so this too is my first time with you all"  fang admitted this fact, which just made boboiboy became more curious. 

"Soooo, did your brother ever talk about the planet?" boboiboy questions fang, fang shook his head no. 

"No never, not even when i asked him, he just keeps it to himself" fang says, then in a whisper continue, "like he always does anyway", if the others heard or not but he is grateful they didn't say anything.

"Then what do you guys know about the planet?" Boboiboy looks over to ying and yaya who always have information for their mission, but by the looks of their faces is wasn't good. 

"Well, the information we got from the commander is the same and it's just the same honestly, we even compare our notes and did some background reading like you" yaya spoke  for the both of them and that made boboiboy sad that he can't find anymore information. 

All of boboiboy's friends notice his mood and they quickly decided to change the topic. 

"Dey! When is captain Kaizo coming?" Gopal turned to Fang, asking him on why his brother is taking so long. 

Instead of Fang answering but a sound of a spaceship landing was heard, "Well there's your answer gopal", fang told him, looking up at the spaceship. 

Captain kaizo was not a good man, that can be fact checked by countless of people (including his brother and his friends)  but he had his reasons, reasons why he is doing what he is doing in his life, but he likes to keep them a secret until it has to be revealed. 

Now Captain kaizo is now landing on earth, going to lead boboiboy and his gang on the planet of the Gods because they need someone to guide them and that someone is him, no one other then him and- 

Kaizo pause at the name, he didn't want to remember him just yet, he still hasn't come back yet meaning there still might problem there.     

Kaizo snap back to reality when he felt the ship (which is on autopilot) starts to land meaning he's already here, taking a big deep breath and exhaling, he's ready to face them, the door to the ship started to open and there he saw them, he saw- 

"You know what! i will always protect you, fang and big brother of course!"  

A flashback came right through his eyes, he had to blink away the vision and focus the task at hand, he took a step forward to the outside world. 


Ohhhh what kind of vision did captain had?  and why only he and another person was able to go to this planet? 

I  have to say sorry for the long update but i can promise you i am not abandoning this story so soon! but i do have a question for you all, what do you all prefer? short or long? like how long you want the chapter to be or how short? if you guys want it to be short, i will just summarize it so it can be short and it will have quicker (i hope) updates or longer chapters but slow updates but it will be at least 1k or plus. 

It's your guys choice! comment your decision in the comment section! 

see you on the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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