This Right Here...

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This smile was placed upon my face, to brighten your day, this flower was placed in my hair, by you, these eyes light up, when I'm with you, these word fly away, when you look at me, these cold fingers, seek your warmth, to lace together,

Then I think how could this all be so real but not, how could this moment right here be fake, how could you live life knowing it's me but refusing to let it be,

This Right Here...
1. Is why my smile fades
2. Is why my flower is dead
3. Is why my eyes stay dull
4. Is why I REFUSE to speak
5. Is why my fingers are always cold
6. Is why my leaky eyes will lose the liquid with in them
7. Is why I don't smile
8. Is why my flower will only be dead
9. Is why I'm presumed as shy
10. Is why are hands never fit

But this right here is why it hurts because I'm looking for someone to love me to the moon and back but I can't even love me from my bed to the door. This right here.. This expectation is too big for you to fill but,

THIS RIGHT HERE... Is why I am strong because I can see all my flaws and only see me, but you who knows what you see,

Because This Right Here is why I'm am me, why I am alone but not on my own, why I count, why I mean something, why I am loved for all my pros and cons, THIS RIGHT HERE is why...

THIS RIGHT HERE... Is why, is why
This smile was placed upon my face, so it could brighten your day, this dead flower was placed in my hair, for you, these eyes light up, when you look at me, these word fly away, when you stop and speak to me, these cold fingers, still seek your warmth, to lace together, and be a mistakenly misplaced puzzle piece, and so


~💞~ Bands 4 life 04

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