The Uzumaki's

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"Alright, looks like everyone's here," Ino announced loudly, "so with all the craziness of planning celebrity nuptials, and all the, well, crazy shit that been going on, we couldn't really squeeze in a wedding shower, before these two tied the knots, so we decided to do it after the reception. I hope you all thought carefully about your gifts because we're all gonna judge you if it's crap," she joked, though she gave Lee a stern look, "especially you Lee, dumbbells are not proper wedding gifts!"

"I respectfully disagree, Ino-san! Dumbbells hold the power of youth and-"

"Alright, who wants to start us off?!" the blonde questioned, shading her eyes and glancing over their friends as though looking out at a sea of strangers.

"Me!!" Tenten enthused, jumping up from her seat, "as you all know, I officially opened my weapons shop a month ago, and with this training mandate in effect, my shop's been flood with requests," the weapons's master gushed, stars in her pretty brown eyes, "but, I saved some of the best ninja tools for you two!"

Whipping a scroll from some obscure place within the confines of her dress, Tenten popped the seal and twirled a glinting 60cm wakizashi, swinging the blade excitedly, oblivious to the front row ducking in response.

"This little beauty is called a wakizashi. Beautifully curved, razor sharp single-edged and forged with love," she chirped, cuddling the metal before launching into a ten minute tirade about durability, metal, grip and damage capabilities.

Naruto stroked his wife's back as he listened, hoping his face didn't look as disinterested as he felt. It was a really cool piece, the handle blazing orange with crisscross lines of black and his red Clan crest etched into both sides, but all the extra droning about details he'd forget two minutes later weren't exactly engaging to sit through.

"Uh, no offense Tenten, but can you move this along?" Sakura injected ten minutes later when Tenten finally paused to take a breath, "their ride'll be here by the time you finish and nobody else will get to give their gifts."

"Sorry," the enthusiastic woman chuckled ruefully, "anyway, I had my eyes on an amazing katana for you Naruto, but since that's a pretty long blade and weapons aren't really your thing," she scuffed as though offended that he didn't share her passion for weapon usage, "I figured a wakizashi would better suit you. It's versatile enough to maybe see the light of day by your side," she sent her friends ducking for cover again as she swung, "it's much shorter than the katana, very light and swings with ease, fast enough for close combat," another swing that nearly nicked Lee's eyebrows, "a single swipe and it's off with their heads!"

"Literally..." Shikamaru muttered, watching Lee count how many eyebrows he just lost.

"Thanks Tenten," Naruto said, "and don't worry, I won't let it go to waste. I'll use it at least once, I promise."

Boasting complete and satisfied with his promise, Tenten sheathed the blade and sat it on the gift table off to the side.

"Finally," Ino huffed, rising from her chair, "I'm assuming you don't expect them to share the sword, so, what do you have for Hinata and please! Don't swing the damn thing Tenten, this is a bridal shower not a training session. Some of us may look like training dummies," she glanced over at Sakura with a snort, "but I assure you we are not."

"Why were you looking at me when you said that, hog? Got something to say to me?"

"And now, for the lovely Mrs. Uzumaki," Tenten announced as she flashily drew another scroll from the fabric of her gown, "deadly," she popped the seal "beautiful," glinting steel dropped into both hands, "Sai!"

Hinata straightened slightly, her luminous eyes lighting with interest.

The blades were certainly eye-catching.

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