Age 12 (Continuation)

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Nodding slowly, I walk back to my room. Once again, unable to think about what to do.


For weeks and weeks all I'd wake up to were the screams of my sister. She wouldn't eat for the first 4 and that landed her in the hospital....By hospital I mean, my dad hired a special doctor to help her. And a therapist to talk to her outside her door. Both of them being paid to not say a word at this obvious form of abuse.

Days from there, she's start taking her anger out on me. Yelling from her room about how much of a mistake I was. How I'm not her real sister because I didn't help her. About how I should end myself and our dad while I'm at it.

This absolutely terrified me. I'd never heard such words come out of Abi's mouth. She was always nice, and funny, and laid back. But this time it was like she'd been possessed by a degrading entity. It was more scarier when her throat got was actually the most scariest nights of my life. She'd whisper to me of ways she'd kill me if I didn't let her out.

As if I could figure out how to disassemble dad's high tech door?! I was 12!

I still had nightmares about those very nights.

It's been 10 months since she was locked in her room.

This morning, I awoke to no screaming. no scratching of the doors and walls, no sobs. Just silence and...laughter? Had she finally gone mad? Has he driven her to pure insanity? Please tell me it isn't so! Taking my time, I get up from bed, grab my slippers, wash my face, and exit the room. Peeking my head from a corner in the house that leads to the kitchen, I see Dad and...Abi! They're laughing and she has a space suit on.

This confuses me. I raise an eyebrow and take small steps into the lively kitchen.

"Ah! Y/n! Goodmorning!" My dad was the first to speak.

"N/n!" Don't call me that. "Goodmorning!" Abigail turned towards me in her seat and opened her arms expecting me to give her a hug. I hesitantly walked towards her but kept my arms to my sides. Still with my eyes glued to the ground.

When I reached her arms, she hugged me and squeezed tightly. "Ahh! I missed these!" I don't. I looked up at her to see she was looking down at me. It was the same smile that dad used. The "everything is okay" smile. My eyes broadened at her close eyed smile. I felt a smile creep on my own face. Not that I believed everything was alright. But more like...I wanted to believe everything truly was alright.

Pushing back the thoughts and memories of those nights that hot tears streamed down my cheeks, I hugged my older sister back.

Only this time, not feeling genuine from either end.


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