Age 10

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disclaimer/authors note: PLS BARE WITH ME UNTIL THE REAL CHAP 1 😭 sorry if its ass 🙁🧍🏽‍♀️

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Third-Person, Slightly Omniscient. Age 10 

"Abi! Abiii!" The young 10 year old girl ran up to her sister, Abigail Callaghan, who had just entered the room. 

"Hey (N/n)!" She'd crouched slightly and hugged her tight, almost lifting her off her feet. "What do you have there?" She gestured towards the robotic looking thing made of scrapped metal. The little girl's eyes lit up and she grinned widely. "It's a bot! I ma-" she was cut off by Abigail's hand connecting to the young one's face. 

"Shh! Remember, dad doesn't like bots (N/n). And it's Tuesday so he's home early for his break." She shushed Y/n and guided her to her (Abigail's) room. 


"Alright!" She threw her bag to some random corner and sat criss-crossed on the floor. Y/n followed suit with a smirk. "Now, give it to me!" She gestures Y/n to show off her design. Y/n giggled in excitement. 

"So! This is BugBot! Bugs for short! They stand at 11 inches tall and I plan on making their armor to be made of chromium. They can come apart with just the tap of a button and reassemble their limbs with the press of another." Y/n stopped for a bit to look at Abigail who looked genuinely impressed. She felt her face grow hot out of satisfaction and continued. 

"One of their arms has the grip and squeezing power of a freakin' snake! The other can cut through almost any other metal. Thin layers of it are something that's to be worked on later though." Y/n had let out the breath she'd been holding and handed her sister the bot's design.

"I'll find a way to connect the body parts together later in the future. My shipment of all the real material is gonna be here in a year or two." Y/n added whilst rocking back and forth. 

It was silent for a bit as Abigail just looked at the bot and its unique design. She was also flabbergasted by her sister's intelligence and thought process. Y/n whom was getting bored of her sister's silence spoke up once more. "So....what do you think?" She asked. 

The sister was snapped out of her trance and brought back to reality with her sister's help. "I-It's amazing! I love your sense of durability, and that it has unnoticeable weaknesses. I'm so proud of you!"


Ahh, there they were. Those words. How proud she was of me. I wonder, if she'd be proud of me at this very moment. I love hearing those affirmations of validation. It kept my heart pumping. The reason I lived. For the validation of what matters to me.


"Seriously dude, I love it!" She set the bot aside and bear-hugged Y/n. 


That was the last hug I received from Abi that I felt loved.


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