sharp snatch

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                  Class difference matters alot and you know it. You are just blinded. Oh sana. Oh my sana. How do I even think someone else is to take you away from me. I made my blinded decision  refusing to agree I was falling for you. But after a while, I did realised  I felt  alive because of you. I can't  measure how I feel about this you ,  watching you this way only melts my heart.

"    Alameen " (my elder brother).I called out his name as  I stumped into his house. His wife looked at me from head to toe, she already knows I won't remove my shoes.

" uncle mk" my little nieces  called out. They ran to me and I picked them up

" hey big girls, what's up, did you go to school today"

" yes.... and we played but Sarah hurts her knee"

" oh my love show me"

" see I injured"



" who wants icecream"

" meee" they shouted.

" girls go back to your home work" the mum called out. I stared at them and imagined our kids with sana. how adorable they will look. Hey wait, What's that thought.

" call your husband"

" he is sleeping"

" wake him" I said still standing. She stood for some minutes thinking, she finally head to the room.

" what's up with you. Why are you so rude. Why will you tell her to wake me up" Alameen said as he walks in

"   surprised? "

" not at all.  Just wondering why you were born like that"

" that aside, I have something crucial I will want us  talk about"

" indeed. "

" after my introduction with fati and all that getting married processes right,"

" yes......"

" from no where, this girl appeared in my life and got hold of my soul. I  fell for her instantly. Inshort it was so fast I didn't even realise I couldn't breath without her."

" amazing"

"Along the line, I broke up with her cos i know I wasn't getting married to her as per my wedding is approaching. I mean I shouldn't deceive her. "

" ride on"

"So I let her go and she decided to take vawulence and savage revenge"

" meaning "

" I leave her this week and she is getting married next week"

" no no no that's a wrong turn"

" exactly my point. She wanted to hurt me and we both ended up hurting mercilessly."

" make your point"

" changed my mind. wana marry her with or without my parents approval "

" are you listening to your self? Is that even possible? and besides, i thought you said she is married"

"  about to.  today is her kamu and tomorrow nikkah"

" I still don't don't get you"

" I intend to sabotage the wedding "

" khalifa"!!! He shouted

" is this what she wants"

" that girl doesn't know what she wants"

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