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Kitten's POV
I woke feeling someone under me. I look down and see Jayy. He was snoring softly. I smiled. I got off him carefully making sure not to wake him. I sat in the corner and made my ears show. Oh did I mention that I am a neko? It hurt to keep them hidden for so long. I scratch them and then unroll my tail. They were both white. I heard a soft gasp behind me. I turned and saw Jayy looking at me with wide eyes. I blushed and hide behind my hair. He walked over to me and lifted my chin up to I was facing him. "You look breath taking" he say softly. I blush. He laughs. I sit crossed legged on the floor. He sits behind me and wraps his legs around my waist. He starts to pet me softly. I purr softly. He rubs behind my ears and I purr a little louder. I hear him laugh. He rubs my tail softly. I moan softly. He laughs again. He stops and just strokes my hair softy. I lean back so I'm leaning on his chest. I turn to face him and wrap my legs around his waist and wrap my arms around his neck. I really like him but I don't think he likes me back. "Jayy?" I whisper. "Yes Kitten?" He whispers back. "I-I-I-I really like you. Like more than a friend" I whisper and look down at the floor. He tilts my head up by my chin. "Kitten, though I haven't known you long I have grown feelings for you as well" he says. I smiled. "Really?!" I say happily. He nods. I smiled bigger. He laughs. I hear my phone start to ring. I jump and run to answer it.
"Hey Kitty~"
"Uh, Mathew?"
"The one and only"
"What do you want?"
"I want to see you again babe. Come on? Please? I'm sorry about me hitting you. I was drunk. You know that"
"I don't care. You still hit me. And don't call me 'babe' any more. We aren't dating anymore"
"Come on Kitten. Give me another chance"
"I gave you plenty of chances. Now goodbye"
I hung up and fell to the floor and curled into a ball. Jayy walked over and put me in his lap. I clung to him tightly. He winces because my claws. "Sorry" I say and pull back. "No it's fine" he says and smiles. "Jayy I know that I told you that I really liked you. And I do. But, I, I'm just not ready for another relationship right now. I'm really sorry" I say. He didn't say anything. "Alright. I respect that" he says after a moment. I get off his lap. Then I realized I don't have a place to stay. "Can-can I stay here? I don't really have a house of my own." I say as I look down. "Oh sure! Here I'll show you to the guest room" he says as he takes my hand and leads me up stairs. I see Dahvie. As we walk past him he trips me and mumbles "Bitch". Jayy helped me up. "What happened?" He asks. I was about to say that Dahvie tripped me but he was glaring at me. So I just said," Oh I just tripped over my own feet" and laughed it off. I made sure that my ears were down and my tail was hidden before I passed Dahvie again. Jayy went up some more stairs and finally stopped in front of a door. He opened it and I walked in. It was nice. A big bed. My own bathroom. Walk in closet. I laid on the bed. Jayy walked out to go down stairs. I say there till I heard yelling coming from down stairs. I walk out and stand on the stairs. I hear them yelling. "Don't 'what' me you think I didn't see you trip Kitten! What's your problem with her?" Jayy yelled. "My problem is that she took you away from me! I want you all to myself but then she walked in and took you from me!" He yelled. "Bullshit! I was never yours to begin with! You cheated on me the first day we were dating!" Jayy yelled back. "But does that mean you go running to that slut?!" Dahvie yelled. I started to cry. They turned around. I let my ears show as well as my tail. "What" Dahvie said softly. I pushed past them and out the door. I ran till I couldn't run anymore. I fell to the ground and saw I was in a park about 20 minutes from their house. I climbed a tree and sat there and cried and cried. I heard people running by. I put my hand over my mouth. "Look what you did Dahvie! You shouldn't have said that!" I heard Jayy say. "Look dude I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. It-it just sorta slipped out" Dahvie said. I didn't move. I hear someone sit at the trunk of the tree. I look down and see Jayy sitting there crying softly. Dahvie just stands there and cries too. I move to a different branch. Jayy looks up but doesn't see me. I jump down silently. "Jayy?" I say as I stand up. He snaps his head up. "Kitten!" He jumps up and hugs me tightly as he cries into my shoulder. I rub his back. "I-I-I thought I lost you" he said quietly. "Well I'm here. I'm not going anywhere" I whispered in his ear. "Promise?" He whispers looking me in the eyes. I smile and say," Promise". "Listen Kitten I didn't mean what I said. I was just mad" Dahvie said. I take a deep breath in. "It's fine Dahvie. I understand. It happens" I say as I smile at him. He smiles back. I let go of Jayy and walk over to Dahvie. He looks at me confused. I just smile and hug him. He hugs back. I let go and walk over to Jayy. "Let's go home" I say. He nods. As we start to walk back I finally get a good look at the neighborhood. It was nice. Sorta quiet. But I liked it. Very peaceful. We walked up to the house. Jayy opens the door and I go up to my room. "Kitten before you go I wanted to know if you want to come on tour with me and Dahvie?" Jayy asked. My eyes widened. "Yes!" I say excitedly. He laughed. "Alright. We leave tonight. Be ready" he says and then goes to his room. I fall onto my bed and squeal into my pillow. This was my biggest dream. I was so happy! I laid there till the bus came. "Kitten lets go!" Jayy yelled and I ran down the stairs.

Hey guys! I finally updated again! Sorry I haven't been able to. My computer is messed up and I have to type on my phone. So it takes a bit longer for me to type. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Also I did change the title and the cover. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.

Don't forget to





I love you all so much! See you soon! 😘😘😘😘😘

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