The Water Ninja

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Day 7: The Tough Choices

It was one thing to be the only girl in a household of boys. Having to pick up after them, clean up their messes, and handle the chores like she was their maid or a mother and not an equal. It was another to feel futile for being, well, a girl.

"Don't worry, Nya. We got this!" Jay assured for the umpteenth time when she offered to come along and help. He secured the weapon on his back, the gold glistening under the ray of sunlight that flooded the deck of the ship.

"Yeah!" Cole joined in, adding to the pile of hatred that was brewing in Nya's heart. "Let the men handle the situation." He pulled the hood over his head, leaving that as his final say.

She hated how her instinct was to meet Kai's eyes and find a single sign that he was on her side. If anyone Nya could depend on to back her up, it was her brother. All Nya received was a shrug and a promise that he would come back to her in one piece.

Nya didn't care about that at all.

They could come home bloodied and bruised for all she cared. What she wanted was to be alongside them when they were getting bloodied and bruised. It seemed a little vague to wish for something so violent and hurtful but her instincts craved for the feeling of being able to fight alongside them.

She knew she could be more than the girl incharge of holding down the fort, the girl who treated their wounds and took care of them when they're sick. Nya was more than just a stereotype.

Then again, she couldn't bring herself to hate them as much as she wanted to.

They were Ninjago's destined warriors, the ones who would wear the gi of the ninja and wield the four weapons of creation. The prophecy never mentioned a girl ninja in the mix, let alone a fifth weapon or element for her to wield.

Her eyes followed as the boys jumped off the ledge of the Destiny's Bounty, leaving her and her unspoken emotions alone.

A trail of light footsteps echoed behind her. Well, maybe not alone.

She could recognize that futile attempt to be sneaky anywhere. "What's it this time, Lloyd?" Nya didn't have to turn around to know the boy stopped in his tracks.

"Nothing!" He heard the shuffle of contents inside a plastic bag as the small boy desperately tried to hide something behind his back.

Nya took a deep breath, he didn't deserve to be burdened by her problems. She turned around with her lips curled in a smile. "If you have some gummy worms in there, I'll let it slide just this once."

There was a gleam in the boy's eyes as he hurriedly dug through the paper bag he had in his hands. A small candied worm appeared, pinched between his tiny hands. "Here!" Lloyd exclaimed with much enthusiasm as he held it in front of her.

Nya took the candy from his hands, pretending to survey it for a moment, before popping it in her mouth. "Alright, little guy. Consider yourself free from a scolding."

A "Yes!" escaped his lips as he pumped his fist in the air, popping a small mint in his mouth right after.

Nya watched the boy and was reminded of the fact that it wasn't just her that suffered this fate. Lloyd, despite being the destined Green Ninja, was also prohibited from entering battles no matter how much he wanted to help.

It was a great frustration to know that you were destined for something great but rendered unprepared by the people that were supposed to be your team.

In a way, she knew he understood why they protected him every chance they got.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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