💜Blades of Ice💜

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Pixal's POV

Competition season. Another year to show off my skills and finally make it to the Olympics. I have been skating for as long as I can remember and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Something about being near the ice just gives me a sense of freedom and happiness. Feelings I don't often feel outside the rink.

"Trying again, Pixal?" Skylor smirked and stood in front of me in her orange and red costume.

"Don't you have a routine to worry about, Skylor?" I rolled my eyes and continued to tie my laces.

"Not as much as you do. I heard your salchows still need work."

"Leave me alone!" I demand and got up to leave, turning my back onto her.

"As you wish." I felt a force behind me and I instantly knew she pushed me.

I yelped as I fell forward and waited for the floor to hit my face, but it didn't. Instead, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I look up to see the one and only Zane Julien. King of the ice and practically the master of landing quadruple axels.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I composed myself. I can't afford to embarrass myself any further.

"Yes. Thank you." I replied quickly and walked out of the locker room.

The programs passed by quickly and each routine was better than the last. I grew nervous as my turn inched closer and as expected, I was right after Skylor. There was no way the judges would look at my routine after watching hers.

I placed my face in my hands and groaned. Maybe I should just quit this and let her have it. She deserves it more anyways. Before I knew it, my name was called and I walked to the edge of the rink.

An advice of my coach was to block out everyone and everything when you're skating. Nothing matters except how you feel and how you show your routine. I took a deep breath before skating to the center of the rink.

The ice crunched softly under my blades. It was one of the most calming sounds I've ever heard. The music started and I executed my routine as practiced. Carefully landing my jumps and giving my all.

When once I finished, I was greeted by a series of applause. I smiled before skating out of the rink to wait for the results.

"You have good technique. Ever thought about getting a partner?" A voice asked from behind me and I turned around to be met by Zane. He had two slushies in his hand and offered one to me.

"No, not really. I prefer to skate alone. Thank you." I answered before taking it from his hand.

"May I?" He pointed towards the empty space beside me and I nodded. "You know, it can get lonely skating alone."

"I don't know. I find a sense of comfort in it."

"Well, if you ever change your mind. I'm always looking for one." He smiled and I felt my cheeks heat up. He was just smiling but why did I find it so adorable?

"Are you sure you want me? Skylor is obviously a much better skater and you'll be guaranteed a win with her by your side." I took a sip of the slushy and sighed.

"Don't discourage yourself like that. You're just as good as her, maybe even better." Zane placed a hand on my shoulder. "And besides you have something she doesn't."

"Hm? And what is that?"

"Passion. All her routines may be perfect but they lack emotion. You may not always land your jumps but you radiate feelings when you skate."

I never knew people paid attention to me when I was on the ice. I always thought all eyes were on Skylor. But from his words, I could tell he had been watching me for a long time. I wonder how many times he's seen me fail.

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