💚Save Me💚

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Lloyd's POV

We did it. I defeated my father once again, I had my powers back, the team is alive and stronger than ever. But I do not feel so strong. I know I should be celebrating with the rest of the resistance but I could not bring myself to do so. My mind continues to reply the scene where I watched the only girl I've ever loved fall to her death while I stood there, unable to do anything.

Just a mere spectator. A witness to her inevitable end. No matter what she did, I refuse to believe that that's the end of our story.

"Lloyd? Where are you going?" Kai asked and moved a glass of Boba to his lips.

I didn't even realize I was walking until I made it outside and the fresh air crashed into the side of my face. I didn't know where I was going but I knew one thing. I had to find her.

Hope was a powerful thing and sometimes it can be close to stupidity. But I knew she was alive. She had to be. No matter what damage she may have done I still love her. And I hate myself for it.

She was the enemy. The one who brought my father back, the one who terrorized the city, and the one who stole my heart and crushed it into a million pieces.

I don't know what I would do if I found her. I never thought about it because all I cared about was seeing her again. To see her smile, to hear her voice, and to gaze into those beautiful brown orbs. The city was reduced to rubble and all the buildings looked the same but I knew exactly where she fell.

As I made my way towards the center of the city, I checked every single pile of rubble in case I was mistaken. But there, a few buildings away from Borg Tower, once stood the apartment complex she was on. I began digging, ignoring all the dust that was entering my lungs, and searched until my hands were aching.

I was about to give up my search. Until I heard a coughing sound that made me more determined than ever to find it. I dug and I dug, removing all the debris in my way, with hope in my heart that it was the girl I was lookng for. A streak of white hair came into my view and I knew exactly who it was.

"Rumi!" I yelled to try and get her to respond. I just hope I wasn't too late.

Another coughing sound but this time it was clearer as I got closer. One last lift of concrete and there she was. All bloody and bruised, head to toe. Harumi was covered in dust, there was a small cut just above her forehead, her lips that once held the most beautiful smile I've ever seen were now dry and parched.

I quickly scrambled for some water I had and brought it to her lips. After I got her out, I held her in my arms. She looked weaker than ever before and I knew she would hate herself for letting me see her like this.

"Hey, it's okay. You're going to be okay." I whispered and tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

"L-Lloyd?" her voice was weak and she couldn't speak without coughing.

"I'm here, Rumi. Don't talk, it will only be harder for you."


She slowly opened her eyes and I got a look into the beautiful swirls of brown I could spend hours getting lost in.

"S-sorry." She finished and brought her hand to mine. It was covered in blood but I held it tightly as if I didn't want to let go.

"Just hold on, okay? Help is on the way. I called an ambulance. They'll help you get better and--." She cut me off my rambling. I was starting to sound like Jay.

"T-there's no t-time."

"Rumi, stay with me. Please!" I felt tears in my eyes. I couldn't lose her. Not now and not ever. After everything I had been through, there was no way I was going to let another person walk out of my life.

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