#22; It's hard to say goodbye

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I never had the urge to tell her that I actually saw her more as a friend then as family. All the fights and arguing, it wasn't the best thing in the world, but we also had some fun things we did together. I know she cares about me as well, but she's too proud to say it. Pride, her deathly sin. We all had at least 1 of the deadly sins in our family, but I don't really remember much. I just wanted to forget everything, well it worked, but I'm not happy with it.

Right now we're all on the couch, watching Friday The 13th. Y/N seems kind of tired, but again; too proud to give in. "When will they come here?" Jack asked. "Any minute now." I answered him. That's when we heard a knock on the door. Y/N sighed and got up, walked towards the door and opened it. There were standing Liu and Toby. "Good to see you guys again!" She said to them. They each gave her a hug and walked towards the couch as well. "Hey guys!" Toby said as he jumped onto the couch. "I'll make popcorn." Y/N said as she walked into the kitchen. "I'll help!" Jack said, but before he even could get up I pushed him back into the couch. "I know what you're trying to do, 'friend', you don't lay a finger on her." I said sternly to him. "Alright alright, jeez." He said. Liu pulled a knife out and pushed it against Jack's neck from behind. "Leave her alone." He said in the same way I did. "Overprotective I see?" Toby laughed. "Hey Toby?" Y/N said from the kitchen. "What's up?" Toby answered, turning so he could face her. "Fuck you, bitch." Y/N said. Liu and I laughed. "When and where?" Toby asked again. Jack, Liu, and me turned towards Toby. "I'm sorry I'm sorry it was just a joke please don't hurt me." He whimpered as he curled up into a ball with his hands up in the corner of the couch. "Enough! All of you!" Y/N yelled. Damn, since when did she became a mom figure?

-= POV; Y/N =-

"Enough! All of you!" I yelled at the guys. I was getting a fucking headache of them! "Okay mommy." Jack said back, chuckling. That was the last straw. I took a knife out if the knife block and walked back to the couch. I forcefully grabbed Jack's chin from behind and lifted his head up so I could easily place my knife against his throat. "Never call me that again, or the last thing you'll call for is help. I'll paint the walls with your black blood and eat your organs in front of you." I hissed into his ear. He gulped and nodded. "Good boy." I whispered into his ear before I walked back to the kitchen. I noticed that the cabin has grown quiet, apart from the TV. "Wow." I heard Toby whisper. I giggled.

"Popcorns ready!" I yelled after some time. "Finally!" Jeff said as he got up and walked towards the kitchen to get the popcorn. "Oh shut up." I laughed. He took the bowl with popcorn and walked it to the living room, sat it on the table, and continued watching the second movie. I followed him and sat down between Jeff and Jack, those 2 will fight if I don't watch out.

Hours past, and eventually it was 23:56. "Jack?" I said as I looked at the time on the clock. "Yes?" He asked. "We have till midnight, right?" I asked in a shaky voice. "Oh for fucks sake." He mumbled. I stood up and took the empty bowl to the kitchen. "Well it was nice seeing you all, but I'm afraid it's time." I said quietly. I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to lose my friends and family again! Jeff and Liu came up to me and gave me a hug. "It's alright, we'll try to stay in contact." Liu whispered in my ear. When they let go Toby came rushing towards me to give me a hug. "I'll miss your stupid face." He said. I really did quite annoy him back in the mansion...

Jack came up to me. "23:59." He sighed. "I know." I said sadly. There was a knock on the door. "Midnight." Toby whispered. Jack walked towards the door, and opened it. There were standing Slenderman and Zalgo themselves. "It was about time that we found you." Slender's voice echoed through my head. "Slender you have delivered what you promised." Zalgo said in his 7 voices. He walked inside, ducking so he could get through the door, and took me by my arm. "Let go of me you freak!" I yelled at him as I kicked and punched him. "Jack, come here. You know the punishment for helping someone getting away from us." Slenderman's voice echoed again. Jack sighed and slowly walked towards him. When close enough Slenderman shot one of his tentacles at the speed of light at Jack, piercing through his body. "Jack!" I yelled as he slid off of Slenderman's tentacle. There was a big hole in the middle of his body. He was dead.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I yelled for Jack. Everything was fuzzy, my vision, my ability to hear. The others just stood there, in shock, not being able to do anything. This was the end, this was how my life would end.

Never I wanted it to end like this, I'll make them pay.

-= A/N =-


hi people.


better not.




like last time we're gonna make you decide who we're gonna write about next. so choose wisely.

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