#12; Eye

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-= POV; SLENDERMAN (what a surprise isn't it?) =-

"So you want to keep her?" My voice sounded through Eyeless Jack's head, he was standing in front of my desk, hands folded behind his back and his head lowered. "Yes sir." He answered me. "And you know what kind of danger that can get us in?" I asked again, walking towards the window on the right side of the room. "Yes sir." He answered once again. I felt that he got more and more nervous by each question, how amusing. I turned to him, and said stern: "If anything happens that can get the family in danger and she's the cause, I'll have to kill both of you. Understand?" "Yes sir." He answered quickly. I nodded and walked back the chair behind my desk and sat down on it. "You can go now." "Thank you, sir." He made a quick bow and left as fast as he entered.

"What do you think, master?" Nightmare Ally asked me. She was sitting on my desk in her doll form. "Well, Ally, I think I'm making a big mistake."


I walked out of Slender's office to my room, hoping to find Y/N there. I opened the door but saw no one. I sighed and walked out again. She was probably downstairs. As I walked downstairs I saw Toby come out of the kitchen. "Hey Toby! Where's Y/N?" I asked him as I went down the last couple steps. "In the kitchen." He answered. I thanked him and went towards the kitchen. There I saw Y/N looking in the fridge, wondering what she was doing I hid behind a wall and watched.

Y/N was acting weird, she took the eyes from Sally's last victim. What was she doing? I stepped out from behind the wall when she slowly moved one of the eyes closer to her mouth.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" I asked. She jumped from my sudden voice and hid the eyes behind her back. "W- what are you doing here?" She asked angry and confused. "I live here." I answered as I walked closer to her. She took some steps back each time I got closer. "And you," I started again. She hit the counter behind her, I still got closer until I was in front of her. I took one of the eyes from behind her back. "You are a nosy little girl that I brought here." I smiled and putted the eye in my mouth, eating it. She swallowed nervously. I chuckled a bit by her reaction. I got closer to her ear, saying softly: "If your gonna be a bad girl I'll have to punish you." By that I took some steps back and left the kitchen, leaving a confused Y/N behind.

-= POV; Y/N =-

What. The fuck. Just happened.

That was the only thought racing through my mind. I let out a shaky breath while I slid down against the counter into a sitting position. I felt my heart pounding in my throat and my face turning red. "No no no no!" I murmured to myself while punching myself on the head. "He killed your friends and made your life miserable, don't you fucking dare to catch feelings!" I continued talking to myself.

"Hello there!" A sweet voice said in front of me. I looked up and saw a small girl around the game of 8, standing in front of me with a big smile. She had emerald like green eyes, a pink bloodied dress, she had wavy brown hair and blood dripping down her sweet face. She was holding a teddy bear. "Do you wanna play with me?" She asked in her sweet voice. Maybe this could help me getting my mind off of Jack, I thought. "Sure! What do you want to do?" I asked with a small smile. The little girl smiled widely. "Let's have a tea party!"

-= Time skip because I'm ✨lazy✨ =-

I was sitting on a little chair by a little table in Sally's room. On the way there we introduced ourselves to the other. She's a sweet girl but doesn't like talking about her past. But neither do I so that's alright. I still had the human eye in my pocket. Sally was pouring the imaginary tea in the plastic cups in front of her stuffed animals and me. She sat down in the own chair across from mine. I picked up the cup and pretended to drink. "It's really yummy, miss. Thanks for having me." I said politely like I was having a tea party with a princess. She giggled and drank too.

"Sally!" We heard someone yell in the hallway. I immediately froze. It sounded like 2 people were walking towards the door. The door swung open and 2 girls around my age came in. Sally laughed and ran up to them, giving them a hug. "Hey little one." A girl with a clock as eye said. She was wearing a blue coat and dark skinny jeans with black boots, she had brown hair and also a smile stitched in her cheeks. The other girl was wearing a faminine mask and had a black wig, she was wearing a black dress and black heels. They were both really pretty. "Who's that?" The girl in the black dress asked as she looked at me. "That's Y/N! She's my new friend." She answered smiling.

"Hey Sally, is it okay if we take Y/N with us? We have to talk."

-= A/N =-


why are you doing this to me? I was sleeping.


and your writing.


"All Eyes" {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now