#16; Burrito

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-= POV; Y/N =-

Show me what he's capable of? Is he serious? I know what he's capable of. "Your a serial killer and cannibal, I know what you can do." I said to him. He just laughed. Why? What was so funny? "What's so funny?" I asked him. He shrugged it off, "You'll see~." I didn't like the sound of that. I looked up at the clock above the television. 7 PM. I walked past Jack towards the kitchen, but when I opened the fridge there was no food. "Yeah I'll have to get some." Jack said. "Then what are we going to eat now?" I asked him, closing the fridge again. He shrugged again. Sighing I went and sit down on the couch. I took the remote and turned on the TV to Netflix. "Netflix and chill, huh?" I heard Jack say as he sat down next to me on the couch. "Ew no." I answered him, annoyed and disgusted. "Maybe." He said again. "No, just no." I threw the remote at his head, but he catched it. "Guess what we're watching?" He said. "No idea." I answered with a sigh. "Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer story." He answered as he clicked on the series. This was actually something I really liked to watch. I haven't seen it before, but really wanted to.

A couple hours passed as we watched Monster, and we laughed, we talked, it felt like we were bonding again. It was currently 11:57 PM, and I was tired. "We should go to bed, it's late." Jack said as he turned the TV off and got up. He held his hand out for me to take. But I didn't take it. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you, I'm sleeping on the couch." I said to him. He sighed and walked to the bedroom. He opened the door, went inside and came out with a blanket. He gave it to me. "Thanks." I said. We said goodnight and Jack went into the bedroom to go to sleep.

As I lated on the couch with the blanket over me, I couldn't fall asleep. I was rolling the whole time. Eventually I did fall asleep.

I was in a big birdcage. It was dark all around it. I was sitting on the ground as I looked around. There was a skeleton on the ground next to me. I screamed and got up, running towards the bars and grabbed them tightly. "Someone let me out!" I yelled. I heard a menacing laugh. "Who's that!?" I yelled again. There was no answer, the cage door just opened a couple feet away from me. I ran towards it and sprinted outside. "Get her." The voice said again. Suddenly I had the strong feeling someone, or something, was following me. The voice wouldn't stop laughing. "Jack! Toby! Anyone!? Help me!" I yelled out. I got pushed to the ground by the person that was following me. But before I could see who it was the person stabbed me in the back and strangled me to death. The last thing I heard was the laugh of the twisted voice in the pit of darkness.

I woke up covered in sweat and unable to scream. I was breathing heavily. I decided to sit up to catch my breath. It was dark in the cabin, the clock wasn't even visible. But I think it was somewhere between 3 and 4 AM. As I layed down again to go to sleep I noticed that I was still too scared to fall asleep, on my own. "Fine." I mumbled to myself. I got up and wrapped the blanket around me, so I looked like a burrito, and went towards the bedroom. I knocked and opened the door. There was Jack sleeping, at least, I think he was asleep, it's hard to tell since he neither has eyes or eyelids. Just as I was about to close the door and go back to the couch I heard Jack yawn and sit up a bit. "What's wrong, Y/N?" He asked worried and tired, his voice was a little lower than normal. "I had a nightmare..." I said quietly. I heard him chuckle. "Okay come here, little burrito." He said as he held one of his arms out. With a small smile on my face I waggled my way over to the bed and layed down next to Jack. He wrapped his arms around me with one of his hands in my hair. I felt so safe and warm. The strange feeling also got stronger. "You're safe with me, you should sleep." I nodded and closed my eyes. It didn't take long or I fell asleep in Jack's arms.

That morning I woke up after a good night's rest. I was laying on Jack's bare chest. I quickly got up and tried to remember last night. "Good morning, baby girl." I heard a really deep voice next to me. Startled I looked over at Jack. He was still laying down, looking at me with a smile on his face. "What happened last night?" I asked him. "You came to sleep with me after a nightmare you had." He answered in the deep voice. I felt my face heat up. "What's up with your voice?" I asked. "Morning voice." He answered shortly, and yawned. "What's the time?" I asked again. He looked at the clock hanging above the make-up table. 9:16 AM he answered. Sighing I got out of bed. "Where are you going?" Jack asked. "Looking for food outside. Maybe there are mushrooms or berries that we can safety eat." I answered him. He jumped out of bed and stood in front of the door so I couldn't leave. He was only wearing his boxers. I was trying so hard not to look. "Too dangerous, I'll go to the grocery store close by. Do you want to come too?" I nodded. "Good. I'll get dressed and then we'll go." "Okay, Jack."

What was happening to me?

-= A/N =-


this is just the second chapter.


oh god.

"All Eyes" {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant