#13; Dark pit

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-= POV; Y/N =-

They wanted to talk? These 2 girls that have probably killed over 100 people wanted to talk to me? Someone they've never met before and looks like an easy target? What could go wrong!

I stood up and walked over to them. I nodded, hugged Sally goodbye, and left with the 2 girls. They lead me to a room. Once we were all inside the girl in the dress locked the door. The room looked kind of like the dorm room from Campus, before the accident. It was just darker and it smelled like blood. "Who are you?" The girl with the clock as eye asked me. "Y/N, I was brought here by Jack, or as you him may know, Eyeless Jack." I answered in a monotone voice. I turned to them. "And who are you 2?" I asked with a smile, my eyes were curiously looking at them. The girl with the clock as eye answered me: "I'm Clockwork, and she's Jane The Killer. We're one of the most feared Creepypasta's in this mansion, newbie." She answered irritated. Jane poked her in the ribs with her elbow. "Thank you very much Clocky." She sighed. "Jane! I hadn't recognized you." I laughed. Jane looked at me taking her mask off. Her face was burned to the flesh, it was healing but it didn't look the best. I kept on smiling at both of them. Clockwork looked confused. "She's the cousin of Jeff." Jane muttered to her. "WHAT!?" Clockwork yelled. She took out her knife and walked up to me. I laughed. "Don't worry, Clockwork. I hate Jeff too. Heck I wish I had killed him when I could all those years ago." She stopped in confusion.

Jane opened her mouth to say something but there was banging on the door. "Jane! Clockwork! Do open now!" We heard Jack's voice. I quietly stepped into the closet, and stayed there in a crouching position. The 2 girls were confused but acted with me. They unlocked the door and opened it. "Where's Y/N!?" He asked in there faces. "Who?" Jane asked. "Y/N! I know she's with you! Sally told me!" He continued yelling. He looked worried. "Oh her! Yeah we brought her to Slenderman, you know, so he knows some random girl is here." Jack started to panic. "You're kidding me!" He yelled over and over again. "What's going on?" Clockwork asked rather annoyed. "Slender made a deal with Zalgo to sell her to him!" Jane and Clockwork looked at each other. "Why?" Jane asked. "Apparently she's dangerous, not only to humanity but even to us. Zalgo is the only one who can keep her without any coincidences for the balance." He explained.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me? Dangerous? What did I miss?? I moved a bit closer to the door so I could listen better, but as result I let a knife fall into the ground. Jack went quiet. I held my breath, just like Jane and Clockwork.  "Move." Jack said stern as he pushed the girls away and walked towards the closet. He opened it. "Ehm... Hi, Jack..?" I said nervously as I looked up at him. He growled something at himself, but he still picked me up roughly by my arm and pulled me out of the room.

"Jack! What's going on!?" I yelled at him. Without answering me he pushed me into his room and locked the door. I felt my heart beating hard in my chest, it felt like it was going to explode. "We have to leave." He growled, not turning around to look at me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Can you even listen it's just like I said!" He yelled at me as he turned around and threw his operation knife at me. It just missed me and got stuck into the wall behind me. Scared I screamed and curled myself up in a ball under his desk, trying not to cry. Jack sighed and crouched down next to me. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." He started. "Don't you even dare call me that." I yelled at him, shedding a tear. "I'm sorry-" "No! I don't care about your sorry's! Ever since you ended up like that you ruined my fucking life! Now you think your powerful you think you can do anything you want!" I cried out. Jack just sat across from me in silence. I leaned back too. My eyelids felt heavy, I was trying so hard to not fall asleep. It didn't work out though, and I fell slowly but surely in the dark pit of imagination and rest.

-= A/N =-


us sadly. and with a goddamn short chapter too.


a something of shit.


"All Eyes" {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon