#11; Stone cold

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-= POV; Y/N =-

"How aren't you dead?" Jeff growled at me. I just laughed. "I'm not stupid, Jeffrey. I know how to survive your pathetic attempt on murdering me. Did you really think that you could kill me?" I laughed again. Jeff got mad, really mad. We never got along well, we were always fighting and arguing. But since we were family we had to see eachother a couple times in a year. When he became a serial killer and killed his family he went over to where I lived a couple blocks away, he killed my older sister but I survived. My mom was out of town when the incident happened. I never really knew my father, not that I wanted to know him.

Jack was looking confused. "It is that I'm in pain because of the surgery, otherwise you'd already be knocked out missing 3 teeth and having a black eye. Remember the first time that happened 10 years ago? We had to bring you to the hospital. Good times." I said to Jeff, laughing. He looked at me, his eyes filled with wrath.

Jack lated a hand on Jeff's shoulder. "You should go." He said to him. Jeff nodded and walked out of the door, closing it behind himself. I looked at Jack with a smile on my face. "Is there more you haven't told me?" Jack asked. "Maybe." I giggled. He sighed. "Better not." He said, mostly irritated. I shrugged, still smiling. "Come downstairs when you're done, I have to talk to Slender. Just a couple things for your own safety; stay in sight of Toby, don't make anyone mad, if you get offered anything go immediately to Toby he'll protect you, don't answer any unnecessary questions, stay as far away from Jeff just like Smile Dog and BEN, and stay away from any dangerous looking people." I nodded. I looked after Jack as he walked out of the door with Toby following him, when they were gone I got up and started snooping through his room.

It wasn't too big but it wasn't small either, there was a bed in the corner of the room, a drawer at the foot of the bed, a closet next to the door, a desk with chair against the wall, and the operation table in another corner in the room. I walked over to the drawer. There were pictures of him with Greg, and of us 2 when we were kids and a couple months before he became a demon. I opened the drawer. There were more pictures but without frame, operation tools, and some knives. There were also old things that were from Jack's past. I closed the drawer again. I should go downstairs probably.

I opened the door and saw that Toby there was waiting for me. He got up when he saw me. He motioned I had to follow him, I nodded and did so. As we were walking downstairs I felt the eyes of all the others piercing right through me. Some looked confused, others mad, a couple happy. "Ignore everyone." Toby whispered to me. I nodded.

"Hey Toby, who's this?" A guy in an orange jacket and a feminine looking mask asked. Before Toby could answer I held my hand out for a handshake, "Y/N L/N, what's yours?" I said with a smile on my face. Toby knocked my hand back down and gave me an angry look. "Masky, I'm one of Slenderman's Proxy's just like Toby." The masked man answered. Just now I noticed another guy behind him; he was wearing a yellow hoodie and a black mask covering his whole face and neck, the mask had a sad red face on it. "And what about him?" I asked again. Toby got more annoyed by now. "H- Hoodie." He answered shyly. "He's also a Proxy of Slenderman." Masky said. "Are we doing a Proxy introduction?" A girl asked as she came up from behind Toby and laying her arm around his shoulders. "Hey Kate! Already back?" Masky asked, greeting the girl. "Yup! You know how it is." She laughed. And then she turned to me, holding out her hand. "I'm Kate The Chaser, Proxy of the Slenderman." I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Kate! I'm Y/N." I answered. Toby muttered something, picked me up and played me over his shoulder and walked me into the kitchen while I yelled at him and kicked and punched him so he would let me go, but he didn't react, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

In the kitchen he placed me down. "What's your problem!?" I yelled at him. "What's your problem!? You clearly didn't listen to EJ or me!!" He yelled back. I looked angrily at him. He sighed. "It's for your own safety." He said after some time, calmer now. "They seemed kind." I muttered. "Y/N, we're Proxy's. We maybe don't lie but that doesn't mean you can trust us." He said under his breath. I raised an eyebrow. He shook his head and walked out. I didn't follow him though, I just wanted to stay here for some reason.

I walked around the kitchen, I checked some cabinets and drawers, then I stood in front of the fridge. Something kept me from opening it. I didn't listen to my gut, and just opened the door. There was canned food, body parts of people, organs and flesh in containers, and there was a head staring with dead eyes right through your soul. I smiled at it, surprisingly I wasn't disgusted or scared by it. I kind of liked it, the thought of how this person was killed and how the blood would've been flowing out of it. I touched it, cold and long dead. My hand went up to it's eyes. The eyes were cold as well, but kind of squishy but not a lot. With my nails I digged into it's eye sockets, pulling the eyes out one by one. I held one up to the light, it was a bloodshot and had hazel colored irises. I held the other close to my face. I was staring at it. I moved it closer to my mouth to take a bite out of it when I heard someone behind me.

"Y/N? What are you doing?"

-= A/N =-


pretty obvious I think so.


no shit. seeing what she has been through that happens. welcome to the real world.


"All Eyes" {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora