#3; Darkness

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-= POV; Y/N =-

"Come on." Greg whisper yelled. He pulled me under a desk. Just when we were under it we saw Jack enter the classroom. He wasn't wearing his mask anymore. Of course he wasn't, I'm so stupid, how could he otherwise kiss my neck? A cold shiver went over my back when I thought about it. He came closer and closer, whistling an eerie melody. "I'll find you, Y/N~. I can smell your tasty blood~. I can hear you beautiful beating heart~." My heart was pounding faster every second. Jack came closer to our table. "We have to make a run for another table, he'll find us under this one." Greg whispered in my ear. "No! Greg!" I said. He tried to pull me with him but my arm slipped out of his grip. Jack turned around towards Greg.

He smiled from ear to ear, showing his pointy teeth. He jumped on top of Greg. "Where is Y/N!?" He asked filled with anger. Greg held his mouth shut. "Tell me!" Jack yelled, slashing Greg's face open with his claws. He screamed in pain. Jack grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to his face so Greg could look into his non-existent eyes. He spat in his face. Jack wiped the spit off of his face. He held his claws up. "I don't need you anyway, I'll find her myself~." He chuckled. And with that he pushed his claws deep into Greg's flesh, making him scream from the insufferable pain. He pulled something out of Greg's body; his kidneys. Greg's eyes rolled back into his skull, but he was still miraculously breathing. Jack dug back into his body, pulling out his heart and lungs." Greg's muffled screams were heard through the whole classroom.

Soaked in his best friend's blood Jack got up, while eating a kidney, and walked to the back of the room, searching for me there. I got up and crouched as fast as I could towards Greg, tears falling onto the ground. I went under the table, hiding for Jack. He heard me and went back to the front of the room.

"Oh Y/N~" he said as he walked past the table I was hiding under. My tears were falling on the ground as I sat next to my brutally murdered friend, one of my hands covering my mouth to prevent me from screaming or throwing up. "I know you're here, sweetheart~" he continued. I squeezed my eyes shut, but opened them again after some time. I looked right into his empty eye sockets. "Gotcha." Before I even could scream, everything went black.


I jumped up once I came back to consciousness. I was in a dark room. I didn't know where I was. My head hurts really bad though. I sat up and looked around more when my eyes were finally used to the darkness. It looked like the dorm room from Jack and Greg, there TV was here, there controllers, even still some clothes from both boys. I was laying on a bed, under the covers. I threw the covers off of me, just to see that someone had changed me into a men's shirt that was too big for me and some black shorts that were also too big for me. I became sick by the thought someone must had undressed me just to change me into this, and if maybe something else happened while I was unconscious. Cold shivers went over my back by the thought of it.

I heard a shower stop, that I at first didn't even notice was on. That meant that someone was in the dorm with me! I quickly lay back under the covers and pretended to still sleep, even though I secretly was watching the door to the bathroom to see who would come out. Maybe it was just someone who had found me unconscious in the classroom there? And brought me to safety? Maybe it was all just a dream and I forgot I fell asleep at Jack's place, and that he hadn't changed into that demon?

The door went open and Jack came out of it, drying his wet hair and wearing his black boxers, showing his strong muscles and sixpack. I let out a sigh of relief that it was him and not some other creep, until I saw his empty eye sockets, pointy ears, and claws. I got scared again. It wasn't all a dream, it was real! He was getting something out of the fridge. I knew that Greg always had a knife for 'just in case' in the drawer. I silently opened it and searched between his socks, trying not to make any noise. Jack took a Coca Cola. I froze. Luckily he opened it and drank it there instead of coming over to me. I quickly found the knife and hid it under my pillow, then I quietly close the drawer.

I rolled back over so I was facing the wall, to make it seem more like I was sleeping. The bed creaked. I heard Jack crush the Coca Cola can with his hand, throw it away and walk over to me. For some time he just stared at me while I was 'sleeping'. Eventually he sat down on the bed at my feet. I acted like I woke up, I yawned and looked at him. Scared I sat up and pressed myself against the wall so I could get far away from him.

"Good morning, princess~."

-= A/N =-


hello darkness my old friend~.


shut up.


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