Chapter 10: Girl Bites

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"What do you want from me?" I sarcastically asked her, opening the door wide for her highness.

"Bitch, I'm here with your bloody food. What took you so long?" Annadin complain as she steps inside the room with a plate of food in her hands.

"I was taking a shit" I retort with no filter.

"Gross, I did not want to hear that you lil shit," she say.

"Why are you saying eew as if you don't take shit too.."

"I do but not like you lil sh*t" she retort.

"Shit don't look pretty like mine face unless it's yours Nadin. Anyways, what are you doing here?" I counter back.

Annadin huff. "Are you seriously asking me that. Hoi don't fight me or you might not like the consequences," she warned me and place the food on my nightstand.

"I personally deliver this for you. Ungrateful witch and on the side you definitely miss out on our hotties" she cheekily added while fanning herself.

I narrow my eyes when I see a bruise on her exposed chest. She has forgotten to button up the top two buttons of her shirts. I step closer to her. Sniffing a familiar scent on her and I swear I know who the scents belongs to.

Annadin pushes me back. "Ya, what are you doing? Don't be such a creep. I'm not into girls"

"Neither am I but that's something" I point to her exposed skin. "That's a hickey on your neck" I finished saying.

"No, it's a mosquito bite" she denies it and quickly reaches her hand to cover it and later she buttons it up slowly.

"Right, mosquito that has a big mouth  and sharp teeth. Nice try Nadin," I teases her.

Annadin face turn reds of embarrassment. Yeah, I'm not stupid to differentiate between a love bite and mosquito bite. I used to have friends and one of them used to cover with it and he's the one who told me about it. He used to call it 'his girl bites.'

"Oh shut up and be grateful that I brought you food," she changed the subject immediately which made me snicker raising up my hands in surrender.

"I've never asked for it but thank you. You're such an amazing friend" I deadpan.

"Most welcome" she say with sarcasm.

"Do I know him?" I ask with curiosity.

She bit on her bottom lip, and look at me with a doe look. I innocently smile at her. I want to know the lucky bastard and I ain't going to let go not unless I know a little bit of him.

"What?" I shrug my shoulder

"Yeah, you do and he may not be the most favourable guy on campus."

I exclaim in horror. No way, if I think who it is. John, I groan  and cringe at the thought of him but I silently pray that it isn't John. I can't stand that guy. We're definitely not going to be best of friends even if he is the one Annadin is dating.

"It's not John," blurted Annadin as if she can read my mind.

"It's not?" She nod her head and I let out a relief sigh.

"I'm glad. As long as it's not him," I say in relief. And man, why am I even feeling this way as if he is a criminal on lose.

"I hate him" I mutter and glance at Annadin to see her running her hands on her shirt front button as if she's reminiscing on their moments.

"By your expression. I assume you're dating him?" I casually ask her after a second.

There was silence. A complete one and I want to shake her but I decided to wait for her response.

"Nope, we're not. It's complicated" she answered. "He's confusing me... I mean we're both confusing each other," she added.

I thought of her words at that moment and I wince remembering that our situation is the same. My mate and I are also confusing one another. Shaking away the thought of my mate. I grin at Annadin.

"Hmm complicated? Does Mr. Complicated has a name?" I wiggle my brow.

She roll her eyes in return, sitting on my bed. "You can smell him all over me" she said and I shook my head, with my hands on my mouth.

"No way"

"Oh yes babe. He's the one" she said.

I start to think but I know I can't recall the exact one. "Okay, I'm not sure but I'm not going to sniff all our instructors too. I am familiar with the scent" I admit.  "Not bad. You snatch an Alpha or even better that hot Beta" I wink at her and Annadin threw a pillow at me.

"Oh stop that" I laughed.

"Is your hand okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, better and it's healing quickly" I say, not telling her the whole truth.

"that's good. I swear, John is an ass" she said and I agree with her. The guy is a total assh**le.

I shook my head and went to sit next to her. Today wasn't what I expected and I'm not quite sure how we're going to love this summer camp given that my mate is here, made new friends and also some enemies. I lay down on my back looking at the ceiling.

"Any idea with those pompom and marching outfit?" I ask after a while.

Annadin let out a heavy sigh. We're both not looking forward to it. She didn't reply soon but after a moment she excitedly announce, "I do and luckily I am a cheer captain at my Novick College." She sat up straight. Her face lit up and she beam at me.

"Girl, we're going to rock those cheer uniform." She clap her hands and pull me upwards.

"Nadin, I think you should know that I was never into athletics or any cheer thingy" I told her in a grumpy tone.

"Trust me Marie. You don't need to be a cheerleader in order to ace the moves" she encourages me and keep pulling me upwards.

"So don't be grumpy and let's do it bitch!" She made me stand before picking up my food once again from the night stand.

"You need to eat now before we give 'em fire" she say wiggling her shoulders. "Let's give them what they want. You know the girl's bite." She winks at me.

I groan while picking at my food. I know deep down inside that this isn't going to end well for the both of us.

Hope you enjoy reading this story. And also pls note that I amend the ML name from Chris to Jaxon.
Unfollow My Heart

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