"Well, let's see then," Ron said, standing.  "Put it on."

Harry stood and draped it around his shoulders.  He twirled around.  Alaina's eyes widened.  She knew exactly what it was and who it had belonged to.  They were really rare, but who had given it to him?

"There's a note," Harry said.  He opened it up and read it out loud.  "Your father left this in my possession before he died.  I think it's time it was returned to you.  Use it well."  He looked down and his eyes bulged.  "My body's gone!"

"I know what that is!" Ron exclaimed.  "That's an invisibility cloak!"  Then he frowned.  "I wonder who gave it to you.  They're really rare."

"Yes, they are, "Alaina agreed as Ron voiced her thoughts.

"Who do you think gave it to me, Mum?" Harry asked.

She shook her head.  "I don't know.  But it was hard enough to keep up with you when you couldn't turn invisible," she told him with a chuckle.

He grinned.  Harry and Ron got distracted by the presents they received a few short seconds later and played around with Harry's new Invisibility Cloak.  They scared Alaina twice and burst into giggles after each one.  It was all good fun, but she prayed they wouldn't keep it up for very long.  The last time they had nearly caused her heart to stop.

They finally settled down when Alaina fixed them some breakfast.  They spent the rest of the morning watching Muggle cartoons on the television she had brought with her.  Alaina went into the bedroom and got ready for her outing with Severus.  She couldn't help overhearing Ron's comments about how the coyote never caught the road runner.  She nearly dropped to the floor laughing at him.  Harry was trying to explain it all, but it wasn't getting through to Ron at all which was all the more hilarious.

Alaina made Harry and Ron get dressed when it was about time for lunch, much to their disappointment.  When they came back out, she gave them a couple of options.

"Guys, you can either stay in here until tonight and have your fun after lunch, or you can back to you dormitory."

"How come?" Harry questioned.  Then he noticed she was wearing a long dress she had only worn when they were going some place special.  "Wait, are you going somewhere?"

Alaina grinned.  "Yes.  I'm going for a walk if you don't mind," she said with a chuckle.

"Oh no.  I don't mind.  Ron and I have loads to do.  Don't we, Ron?"

Ron stared at him like he had three heads, his brow furrowed in confusion.  "We do?"

Alaina chuckled to herself as Harry tried to elbow him in the ribs discretely.  "Harry, if you and Ron want to spend the day with me, just say so.  I'll cancel my walk."

"No," Harry protested.  "Like I said, we have stuff to do."

"Oh yeah," Ron said.  "I remember now.  The stuff."

She shook her head.  They were lying right through their teeth, but it was sweet they were letting her go.  "You're sure?"

"Yes," Harry answered.

She smiled at him and gave him a quick hug.  "Now if you need me, I want you two to send up sparks with your wands."

He frowned.  "I don't know how to do that yet, Mum."

"Me either," Ron admitted.

Alaina took out her wand and instructed Harry and Ron to do the same.  She was surprised when they pulled them out without hesitation.

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