"Woah, are you okay My Lady?" "Don't ask if I'm okay, you just got punched by that thing, are you okay??" I immediately throw his question back on him, staring up at him like he's crazy.

Which he is.

But we don't have much time to bicker, my eyes flickering behind him to see the Nomu stepping back— It's fist growing back into place, it's getting ready for another blow.

It had hit him with so much force it had blown its own limb off.

"—I made a promise to protect you back at the castle, remember?" His smile is almost sheepish when he repeats those words, sharp teeth on display while I deadpan.

"I don't think now is the time to—" My voice is cut short once more as the thunderous stomps of the Nomu near, its arm reeling back again and I wonder why we keep trailing away from the obvious problem at hand.

"Oh, right." He replies, eyes glancing up to the shadow hovering over us before leaning down so he was shielding me once more.

My hands press against his chest as he grows near, the skin hardening and growing rough edges while the parts of his face I could see sharpen and crack as well.

Then a light passes over us, a familiar soldier jumping past and landing on the Nomu before sparks shoot out in all directions— Nearly hitting us in the process.

Well, nearly hitting me, if it weren't for Kirishima. The light dies out quickly, my eyes looking up to check on the soldier over me once I feel his skin smooth out.

His chest rises and falls with his quick breathing, eyes softening back to normal once he turns his quirk off and looks at me too.

"Are you okay?" I'm the first to break the short silence, his head subtly nodding in confirmation while I sigh lightly.

The sounds of fighting seems to have subsided, bringing to light the set of footsteps hurriedly approaching and causing Kirishima to quickly lean back.

"Is the Lady okay??" A panicked voice asks and I push myself up into a sitting position, barely turning when the black haired soldier crouches beside me to check.

"Yes, yes I'm fine." I am quick to answer, and it's true— Besides a couple of scratches here and there from the many splinters and short fall, I was perfectly okay.

But the small sparks of smoke leaking from Kirishima's back peaked my concern as he turned to talk with Denki, the one who had actually taken down the Nomu.

Sero nods, lending me a hand so I could get to my feet before letting go and keeping his distance.

"Hey Kirishima!" The black haired soldier calls, causing the red head to turn in our direction with a questioning look on his face.

"Those burns look pretty bad, you should get them checked out." He informs, bringing the soldiers attention to his still steaming back.

"Lady (Y/n)," The head of our troops alerts as he nears, breaking through the two's conversation and causing them to stiffen— Besides Denki, who had his hands up in double thumbs ups at the moment.

"Good to see your guards did their jobs." He states, earning an easy nod from me before he clears his throat.

"The Nomu's have been driven off, but I believe we shouldn't try traveling further since some of our transportation has been destroyed." He informs and I nod along, sending a glance out across what hadn't been destroyed.

"We camp here tonight, tend to the wounded, with this extra daylight we split the soldiers— One half will go through the wreckage and salvage whatever they can while the others help set up."

My voice trails off, referring to everything else needed for the camp and the commander nods, briefly agreeing with my command before leaving to carry out my instructions.

—Time Skip.—

The orange flickers of sunlight is briefly pushed back by a shadow as someone approaches me from behind "Lady (Y/n)," A voice addresses, capturing my attention and causing me to glance over my shoulder.

"Yes, soldier?" I question after a moment, turning back the way I had been facing to look over the map once more.

"Oh, no, no I'm not a soldier." He chuckles lightly, nervously— Voice quickly falling silent when I raise a brow in his direction.

With the flick of my hand, he obliges to my silent command and steps to the side before shifting to stand a bit closer so he would be in my peripheral vision.

"I'm one of the combat medics assigned to you." He informs, earning a passive nod in acknowledgment from me "I was wondering if you where injured in any way during the ambush.." He slowly continues.

Glancing up from the map, I sent a smile his way "There are others who could probably use your help more than me, but thank you for the offer." I easily decline.

He deflates, awkwardly taking a step back to leave "Oh, sorry My Lady—" "Actually," I lightly cut him off, not trying to be rude but something had just popped into my mind.

"The only reason I am perfectly fine now is because of my guards, they took a lot more damage when we where ambushed—" I comment, earning a swift nod from the medic.

"Could you go and check up on all three of them?" I ask "Is there any one that was severely injured?" He wonders worriedly and I shake my head.

"Not that I know of, but there is one with some pretty bad burns on his back so watch for him." I explain while he sends another nod my way, smiling at my request before saying his words of farewell and bolting off to find them.

After he leaves, I return my attention to the commander, tapping on the map where we should currently be.

"We've practically lost half a days worth of traveling." He repeats, refreshing his words from earlier in my brain and earning a nod from me.

"That's alright, getting there a little later shouldn't be a problem, I'll speak to the King and inform him of the ambush." I promise easily, causing the commander to nod as well.

"We're nearing the boarder valleys of the kingdom so we should be in the clear from any more attacks, and with the open land and actual road coming up— We should be able to pick up the pace if needed." I explain.

He nods after hearing me, but then clears his throat— Gaining my attention and causing me to glance up at the man with a questioning stare.

"Is there something wrong, Commander?" I wonder and he lightly shakes his head "No, Lady (Y/n), it's just that you don't have a carriage anymore and will need to travel on horseback." He brings up and I nod in understanding.

"I assume that could aid us in moving faster, smaller load and all." He comments and I reply with words of agreement, turning away from the map and falling silent.

The Kingdom grows near, and so does the end of my mission.

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